E12 Workshop in Pavia (IT)
As an introduction to the E12 Forum of Results in Pavia (IT) in Septembre 2014, Europan and the DICAr (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Architettura) of the Università di Pavia invited the E12 winning teams to gather around 3 urban itineraries, linked to 3 topics of adaptability, in order to improve the coexistence between students among themselves and with the citizens.
The participants, supported by a moderator and local experts, had 4 days to develop scenarios on the session topic –"The Adaptable City"– applied to the city of Pavia. They were divided into 3 groups, each dealing with 1 topic and site: each group had to develop 3 alternative scenarios per itinerary and tried to propose answers to the city main issues. Those scenarios were presented the day before the Forum of Results, in the afternoon of Thursday Septembre 25th, 2015, highilighting the relations between the winning ideas and the scenarios on the Pavesi sites. You will find the results of this workshop hereafter.