E13/14 Inter-Sessions Forum Badajoz (ES) 10-15/10/2016
The E13/14 Inter-Sessions Forum is the occasion for the Europan 13 actors (site representatives, experts and winning teams) and the Europan 14 actors (representatives of the new sites) to meet during a shared event that closes one session to open another.
The Forum is divided into three specific sequences:
- A Interactive Workshop on "Architecture to the Rhythms of City and Nature"
Open to the 93 E13 winning teams (winners & runners-up) to develop their winning ideas in transnational groups on urban contexts of Extremadura;
- A Forum on "Which Projects and Implementations Processes for E13?"
With an opening conference by José Selgas and Lucia Cano, architects of the Palacio de Congresos where the Forum takes place; working groups on the former processes and on processes that have already been launched after E13; and pecha kucha presentations of the E13 winning projects by the teams themselves.
- A Forum on "Themes and Sites for E14"
With a major debate on the E14 topic – "The Productive City"; and working groups on the E14 sites to improve the site strategies linked to shared topics, to open up a discussion at the European level and to finalise the issues and the sites program.
Click here for information on & to register to the Inter-Sessions Forum