E13 Winning Teams Portraits/Interviews
In 2016 Europan Europe published a series of portraits-interviews of the E13 winning teams – winners and runners-up.
The teams answered questions on their motivations, solutions, inspirations and wishes after being awarded the Europan prize.
The 15 juries for the 13th session of EUROPAN have made their choices amongst the 1,305 projects submitted on 49 sites in 15 different European countries. The juries named 93 prize-winning teams –among which 44 winners, 49 runners-up– and 61 special mentions. The 93 winning teams are based in 23 different countries – 53% of them won in their residence country; half the teams hence won abroad, confirming the willingness of young professionals to tackle a context outside their experience. The teams that were most motivated to compete abroad are settled in Spain (16 teams out of the 22 winning teams based in Spain won a prize on a foreign site), France (8 teams out of 28) and Italy (8 out of 8).
Click here for the listing of E13 Teams Portraits