E14 Sites - Barcelona-Canyelles (ES)

City - Production - Naturalization

Site Location Canyelles - Nou Barris District, Barcelona
Project Scales L/S - urban & architectural
Site Family From City to Productive City
Post-competition phase Town planning development or partial development projects

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
Barcelona is a productive city thanks to its density, its compactness and its mix of uses. The Barcelona City Council is striving to make its urban area more complex by contributing to and maintaining these features, updated with new plans and projects which will be compatibilised with residential uses and municipal facilities. A city is productive if the necessary habitat is created in every district. This project includes a dense mixed-use programme: social housing, sports facilities, public spaces and urban agriculture, energy generation, etc.