E14 Sites - Bègles (FR)

Metropolitan Diversity on the Garonne

Site Location Bègles, Metropolitan Bordeaux, Bordeaux Euratlantique, Sector Bègles Garonne, IBBA
Project Scales L/S - urban and architectural
Site Family From Productive Area to Productive City
Post-competition phase studies and projects, assisting project manager, urban planning and landscape architecture manager, mediation with economic players, urban and architectural project to be arranged with the partners

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
The Bègles Garonne area was industrial port activities and cod drying factories in the 19th century. The dryers disappeared in favour of small industries and then automobile agencies and logistics warehouses such as Coliposte. The paper mill was founded in 1929. The site presents urban diversity and land recycling issues that need to be investigated with the economic players. How to adapt an active industrial site (the paper mill) and transform a logistics platform (Coliposte) in order to best optimize, integrate & diversify production activities in a territory under strong dynamic metropolitan transformation?