E15 Sites - Raufoss (NO)
Connected City, Connected Living
Site Location Raufoss, Vestre Toten municipality
Project Scales L/S - urban + architecture / architecture + context
Site Family IMPLANTING - Productives milieus
Post-competition phase Planning and building commission
See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites
How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City?
Raufoss is a small town with global connections, home to a high-tech industrial park and located in the midst of a rich agricultural landscape. Drawing 60.000 visitors a year, Raufoss Industrial Park is an interdisciplinary hub of competence within automated production, robotics and material technology that plays an advantageous role for the nation on its way towards a sustainable future. Behind its security fence, the park nevertheless creates a physical and social division within the urban landscape. With the recently established Catapult Centre for Manufacturing Technology, aiming to help SMEs develop ideas from concept to market launch, the border between inside and outside has become more permeable as building no. 5 has opened to the public. The competition site plays a key role in linking building no. 5 to the public space in Raufoss, and channelling the flux of visitors into the local community.