E16 Portraits - Reveal, Relink, Rebuild
Levanger (NO) - Special Mention
Reveal, Relink, Rebuild
Associates: Gustavo Figueira Serrano (ES), Diego Diaz Mosqueira (ES), Álvaro Itarte Pérez (ES) – architects
Contributor: Javier Pombar Guillán – 3D designer
Read the full portrait here
See the complete listing of portraits here
"The core strategy that drives our project is to reveal the natural, economical and social values that already exist in Levanger, but that somehow are hidden or disconnected. Referring to the topic of Europan 16 “Living cities”, we realised that Levanger didn't need any external strategy or invention to create new synergies between city and nature. But to connect and make visible its existing ones. Levanger is already surrounded by an outstanding nature, has a clear identity and hosts an incipient entrepreneurial scene around media production. Thus, we believe that bringing the citizen closer to these values, can leverage its consciousness towards them, leading to a healthy and sustainable future living."