E17 Sites - Nalón (ES)
Nalón (ES)
See the map of the different sites here
Location San Esteban (Muros de Nalón) and L’Arena (Soto del Barco), Principality of Asturias.
Scale XL/S
Site Family Let the birds sing! / Reimagining public space as a biodiverse landscape
Commission after competition Site A: Project for the renaturation of the dyke and esplanade of Puerto Chico and management of the works. / Site B: Project for the environmental reco-very of La Xunquera and La Llama beach; management of the works./ Site C: Drafting of an urban development plan for the surroundings La Xunquera shipyard and the L’Arena docks.
Inhabited milieu's challenges
The lower course of the river Nalón presents a high level of flood risk, which will increase due to the foreseeable impacts of climate change. It should also be considered that the area is located on the western boundary of the Central Metropolitan Area of Asturias, a multi-polar urban conurbation with 850,000 inhabitants and 85% of the regional GDP. It is therefore destined to become a key element in the metropolitan system of open spaces.