E18 Sites - Luzern (CH)
Karlstad (SE)
See the map of the different sites here
Location Lucerne, Switzerland
Scale XL/L
Site Family Re-sourcing from social dynamic / Creating New Urban Relationships
Commission after competition The City of Lucerne intends to involve the winners of the com- petition in the further planning, either by commissioning them with a feasibility study or by reserving them a spot in a possible later selective architecture and planning competition. Europan Switzerland, for its part, intends to integrate the winners as jury members in future Europan competitions.
Inhabited milieu's challenges This raises the question of the future identity of the site and its significance in the context of the city as a whole, as well as in relation to the surrounding neighborhoods and landscapes. The aim is to use, reinterpret and further develop existing structures and conditions in line with the overarching competition theme of “Re-sourcing”.