How Can Cities Become Productive?

How Can Cities Become Productive?

During the E13/E14 Inter-Sessions Forum that took place in Badajoz (ES) last October experts and city representatives debated on the topic of Productive Cities. Different interpretations and representations emerged, but if the issue was to make the city compatible with industrial, agricultural and/or craft activities, it also focused on the emergence of new forms of production at the heart of the city, which are linked to the new technologies, to the association between research and production, to the invention of innovative services, etc.

Discover here the different viewpoints of 4 European cities with a policy on the Productive City (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brussels and Mannheim); 4 former Europan winning teams (Carles Enrich, PLAYstudio, Studio Dièse and Taller de Casquería); and Europan 14 actors.

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