Competition Team
Frédéric Martinet (FR), architect
Vincent Trarieux (FR), architect
Europan 11 Aigle
Team point of view
The disconnection of Aigle is invisible. It takes on an immaterial nature; that of the progressive and cumulative isolation of habitats, public facilities, shops and offices, as autonomous and hyper-programmed entities. These entities divide up the territory in its practice, fragmenting the everyday life.
The reconnection proposed by our project is based on the strangeness of the place, on its white materiality. It brings a spectacular and luxurious place, but with invisible luxury and spectacle. The project claims neither as a work of art nor as an architectural object. It acts as an urban project, with a precise and open programme. Five forms delimit the contours and make possible an infinite number of uses. Their location is climatic; it observes a differentiated relationship with the fragments of city that surround it. The project is designed to go through time.
Jury point of view
The project plans a structure the goal of which is to offer a diversified public space allowing different types of appropriations. Inserted in the heart of the city centre, the structure should contribute to its regeneration. The new potentiality thus constituted precedes a more classical work of renovation of the urban form and of the blocks. The envisaged intervention gives the places a new visibility on the scale of the agglomeration.