Bringing the town closer
Anne Bossé (F)
Nico Solenn (F)
Europan 9 Bordeaux
The project explores the possibility of a public space in this location and questions the traditional resources used in designing a city. La ville de plus près ('bringing the town closer') involves drawing near to the existing environment to develop situational projects: an initial series of constructions is envisaged as a means both to fulfil long-term urban strategy and develop sustainable town planning. On this abandoned railway site, the aim of the proposals is to "create a presence". The project establishes a context within which the site can take time to grow in complexity and gain substance in terms of the building-blocks of the future - practices and neighbourliness functioning at both the local and citywide levels.
This project is connected to the following themes
Shared spaces - Programmatic patchwork
Close attention to the local micro situations underpins a proposal for public space in which a constellation of programmes, mainly playful and recreational, are combined.
Nature - Working with
Attention to the context is a fundamental of the project. It is used to define a programme and possible uses for the railway site.