en sueurs
Competition Team
Julie Beauté (FR), Philosopher
Pierre Bouilhol (FR), Architect
Camille Pastier (FR), Architect
Lena Cissé (FR), Landscape architect
Mathilde Lecomte (FR), Architect, urbanist
Jules-Valentin Boucher (FR), Contributor - Architect
Europan 17 Bernay Terres de Normandie (FR)
Team Point of View
Stories of sweat that reveals, secretes, regulates and sticks. In the Risle and Charentonne sweatshed, a filthy architectural and landscaping gesture links the wastelands of Courcelles, Petit Nassandres, Saint-Louis and Siret-Delaporte. This is the wake: a path of soft mobility in the hillsides’ hollows, a scented, foaming, swirling track made by the livings. The wake is a metamorphic continuity whose fluctuations adapt to milieux and accentuate connections. It encourages sweaty bodies in the valley and inaugurates moist metabolic engagements at the scale of architecture. La Filature des idées is an empiric and fabulist system that elaborates the wake’s plural form: by string games, it turns this narrative into a SF project.
Jury Point of View
A proposal particularly noted by the jury for its poetic and engaged vision as well as the relevance and originality of a very well-argued philosophical discourse. The team has constructed the story of an inclusive and supportive community of all living things around their shared essential element: water. The jury saluted the team’s invention of its own vocabulary around the sweat and perspiration of living things and territories during periods of warming. The project is very rich, part utopia, part political ecology. The project also possesses very beautiful visual qualities and real inventiveness in the expression of the project on different scales.