Gold in the shell

Damien MALIGE (FR)

Europan 8 Chateauroux


In the heart of the site, the project aims to transform the undetermined voids and residual spaces into a qualifying space so as to reveal a total urban landscape. The site’s fringes are remodelled, becoming an interface with the surrounding fabric while increasing porosity. They are differentiated and fragmented in relation to the adjacent urban fabric. The landscape co-ordinates all the polarities so as to create a compulsory path between the town centre image and the residential districts. It produces a town centre image by developing a public space strategy, to create centrality in order to refocus and integrate the town centre. This brand image is carried far beyond the bounds of the region thanks to the presence of an effective inter-modal network in its heart.



Site informations


Synthetic site file EN

This project is connected to the following themes

Mobility - Interface

An interweaving across the railtracks is conceived as the “compulsory trajectory” of a three-dimensional landscape, which acts as corridor, park and underpass for slow-paced mobility on a continuous green surface. 


Housing - Community

Housing forms the green wall of the new landscape. The linear development acts as a landscaped wall to the surrounding town, offering a residential habitat between park and city. 


Nature - Limit / Reconnection

The fringes of the site are transformed into an interface between the dense urban fabric of the surroundings and the park, huge open interior landscape. 


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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes