Green Belt Dilatation

Competition Team

Anne-Lise Bideaud (FR), architect urbanist
Matthieu Wotling (FR), architect

Europan 12 Paris


Team point of view

Through a park and a dense cluster, the “Green Belt Dilatation” project explores the place of nature in the city at a time of sharp change.
The reactivated Green Belt and “petite ceinture” (inner suburbs) are waymarks in a green network across Grand Paris, between the focal points of Gare du Nord and the future Pleyel Station. The “fertile cluster” answers new challenges on density and durability. A layer of interconnected courtyards and gardens opens views up to the rooftops of Paris while projections emerge at the level of the surrounding towers. Autonomous in its programmatic mix and designed to accommodate rapid change, this typology could be extended to the green belt to reinforce its founding principle: 50% green, 50% dense.

Site informations


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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes