Langarita Navarro Arquitectos
María Langarita (ES)
Víctor Navarro (ES)
City of Barcelona
Strategic planning agency Barcelona Regional
Competition Team
María Langarita (ES)
Víctor Navarro (ES)
Angela Juarranz (ES)
Ramón Martínez (ES)
Jacob Kummer (UK)
Guillermo Diego (ES)
students in architecture
Europan 13 Barcelona
Team point of view
“In Motion” is an architectonic strategy for an adaptable and self-sufficient city. An adaptable city is a city able to manage times of change and keep up with the speed of its inhabitants. A self-sufficient city is a city that thinks of its life cycles synchronized with the production of resources.
Both objectives are applied at two scales:
- The Urban Plan: we reduce the prophylactic layer of hard pavements covering the city and more power is given to the porous and permeable floors to recover the cultural landscape of the Marina de Sants in the long-term. The objective is that the civic and natural cycles synchronously pass through time alongside the appearance of urban orchards, recollection systems and water treatments or the proliferation of native ecosystems.
- The Project: The building acts as a group of high resistance plots/slabs of municipal management. Each platform acts as an equipped plot with independent management and reprogramming. The high-capacity communication systems allow for the coexistence of diverse uses throughout the whole building breaking the usual public-private vertical gradient. The constructive and material solutions arise as the combination of local intelligence to make them easily transformable and they are thought to manage the obsolescence of the different layers (facilities, façades, partitions, etc.) that allow a sustainable and economic adaptation.
Jury point of view
It is a clear, assertive project, which succinctly chooses three concepts to structure its architecture:
1- The town land should be more impermeable and better controlled;
2- The occupation and usage of the urban tapestry can be public-private by means of the implementation of strong inhabitable infrastructure;
3- Different technologies and methods are applied to different cycles and times.
The result is a flexible and open building/structure. Its ability to replicate as a form of action is feasible throughout the district.

The city council department couldn´t give the commission to the winner due to rules of public markets, So the office of planification’s strategy of Barcelona Regional asked the team to develop a research about adaptative city, based on the winning ideas: “Barcelona Elàstic”.
The goal is to propose ideas for an innovative urban development of the area, one of the last unbuilt land, with a blurred profile but with a strategic position in the evolution of Barcelona. The research develops a strategy to achieve a city model compatible with the demands and citizen needs of the present but also with those of the city that is to come. The challenges for this new city will be to set an identity while promoting a socially and economically adaptable urbanism. Able to manage urban transformations in different contexts of actors and resources, taking into account the limitation of means and reducing energy consumption. ELÀSTIC is the proposal with which to produce a Mediterranean, complex, dense and socially active city capable of adapting over time with the minimum use of resources and being environmentally conscious.
Method: the interest is to open fields of reflection and provide starting points from which to reformulate what has been studied. In this case, the variable of time, material consistency and resistance to change of the built have been taken as vector of analysis, a more chemical than physical approach has been chosen.
In the first part, are studied the variables that set the structure of the city from the temporal perspective and consolidate it physically and culturally, both on the urban scale (orographic conditions, protection regulations, etc ...) and on the scale building.
In the second part, a city production strategy is proposed based on the concept of adaptability. From the temporary condition, the variables that would allow the increase in urban resilience are explored. The objective is to question the logics from which the city is produced and to incorporate new cultural sensitivities based on metabolism, gender logics or care strategies.
It has been decided to work exclusively from the section proposing the possibilities of typological innovation. The final work was presented in 2018.