Landscape In Between
Competition Team
Metaxia Markaki (GR), architect urbanist
Simona Ferrari (IT), architect
Europan 15 Verbania (IT)
Team Point of View
Departing from the metaphor of the backyard the project reflects on the idea of “reuse” as a territorial strategy. Rediscovering a neglected river, the former industrial site of Acetati becomes a landscape episode along the riverbed and a new public space of the city in-between. The project is a gesture towards a new ecology, which accommodates nature and culture, production and everyday life redefining scales and networks of making.
Jury Point of View
It emerges from this project sensitivity at the territorial level, with an adaptive process. It offers the elements to make this place an urban attractor with services but remains free to the participation of new actors. The project is among the few that demolishes the boundaries of the site by modifying the configuration of the urban grid: it creates an architectural landscape. It reinterprets very well the image of industrial artefacts, which is made safe, and enhances their history. Best of all, the project faces the double need to organize the natural system together with the possibilities of development through financial operations.