Line Code

José María Sánchez García (ES)
Marta Cabezón López (ES)
Rafael Fernández Caparrós (ES) 
Laura Rojo Valdivielso (ES)
Mariló Sánchez Garcia (ES)
Enrique García-Margallo Solo de Zaldivar (ES)
Jaime Garcia de Oteyza (ES)
Elena González Menes (ES)
Ana Rivero Esteban (ES)
students in architecture

Europan 11 Monthey


The proposal is born of an interpretation of the place as the footprint of the industries prior to urbanization. Existing traces define our schedule.
The conceptual idea is based on the density distribution of the programme throughout the site, focusing on programme bands that alternate density, variable green outdoor spaces and covered spaces where the construction programme focuses. Starting from a general schedule, concentrated programme densities are situated, with greater density at the edges, setting towers that overlook the mountains and respond to the boundaries of the site.
Pre-existing structures are revised and reinterpreted to define directions and hierarchies in the public social space; we retain the main industrial structures, we release them from their enclosures and integrate them into the wider space.

Site informations



Synthetic site file DE | EN | FR

This project is connected to the following themes

Habitat - Autonomous morphology

The proposed urban morphology of stripes is composed by a commercial and offices plinth, and residential towers which are located at the edges of the area enjoying of the best views. The bands strategy is organized around the former industrial halls.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes