Competition team
Adrià Guardiet (ES)
Sandra Torres (ES)
Europan 16 Esparreguera – Colonia Sedó (ES)
Team point of view
RE-COLONIZAR is an urban regeneration project for the Colonia Sedó that is based on four principles: energy, water and food self-sufficiency; reprogramming of some buildings with the aim of obtaining a more complex, intense and sustainable urban fabric; pedestrianisation, renaturation and improvement of the accessibility of the public space; enhancement of the architectural heritage. The main goal of the project is to define the bases for the social and environmental regeneration of a vulnerable and depressed urban fabric, transforming it into a vibrant place of exchange, reconnecting it with the cycles and rhythms of the natural environment and betting on circular processes to minimise the ecological footprint and the consumption of non-renewable energy.
Jury Point of View
The project is an urban regeneration project based in three concepts: self-sufficiency, re-programming, accessibility and enhancement of cultural and architectural heritage. It acknowledges the ecological agenda by dealing with cyclical water that optimize the resources, energy and food production or by increasing the soil biotical index. The implementation of a sustainable transport system as well as a modal interchange node at the entrance of the complex, or the re-naturalization of the public areas aim to deal also against the heat island effect.