Ripples in the water
Competition team
Erlend Strønstad (NO)
Agathe Monnet (FR)
Ona M. Auskelyte (LT)
Ida J. Ve (NO)
Olav Kildal (NO)
Europan 16 Risøy (NO)
Team point of view
The project approaches the task by first defining a renewed vision for Smedasundet as a recreational grand canal. It states that a successful strategy for the city centre as a whole depends on the role and vitality of Smedasundet as the most important public space in the city. Through a series of scenarios, it investigates how developments at Risøy can contribute to this vision while it also takes advantage of a stronger integration in the city to spark social and economic investments in its internal neighbourhoods and public spaces. As a design response, the project proposes six conceptual layers that can be adapted to short term and long-term actions. The conceptual layers should be considered as flexible ideas that can be implemented step-by-step and through experimental methods in collaboration between local authorities, private developers and residents.
Jury point of view
The main idea in this winning concept is to connect the island of Risøy closer to the mainland of Haugesund. The strength of the proposal is the clear and convincing plan that underlines this connection and utilises the unused qualities of Risøy as an asset to both Risøy and the town of Haugesund. The grid layout from the old street structure from 1856 is used and further developed to integrate the two parts in a common structure and framework. The role of the water in a biodiversity perspective is considered and understood. The coherent promenade around the island and access to the waterfront is also important in this perspective.

Site informations
Risøy (NO)
Synthetic site file EN