Stepscape greenscape waterscape

Florian Krieger (D) 

Europan 9 Rostock


A system of water-canals, generous greenspaces and a great variety of building types are connected and unfied, forming a unique new district, a garden- and watercity characterised by a new type of public space. With its moderate density and mix of functions it adresses a wide range of residents and visitors

The proposal is coined by a stepped building design. To the “Mauerpark” in the West it is related by an elevation-sequency of rooftop-gardens. A number of views from all over the neighbourhood to the historical city-centre are opened strengthening the relation between old and new. To the eastern riverside-park the building structure widens step by step, moderating the transition between public park and collective courtyard, always guaranteing the connection of housing units and park. In contrast to the homogeneous flat façade facing the public space inside the “block” a more intimate “craggy”-stepped courtyard is generated where single housing units are easier to identify.

Inside the overall structure a maximum variety of housing-typologies is offered: The patio house with one and two storeys, the three storey townhouse and the 4 storey apartment house. Less hight allows more depth without affecting the neighbouring structure in the north. The network of kanals and waterways offers direct access from many houses to the water. Elevated water-loggias, boat-garages or marinas and especially the water-rooms illustrate the variety of relations between house and canal.

Site informations


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This project is connected to the following themes

Housing - Typology

The detailed and comprehensive work on the typology firmly supports the proposal at the urban landscape scale, while proposing maximum housing diversity in terms of size and structure.

Nature - Limit / Reconnection

The herringbone arrangement of the buildings forms a neighbourhood of overlapping domestic and natural spaces, a gentle transition between the historic town and the Warnow River.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes