The Parliament of Cinkarna

Competition Team
Dorothee Huber (AT), Architect
Paula Fernández San Marcos (ES), Architect, urbanist
Adrian Judt (DE), Urbanist

Helene Schauer (AT), Contributor – Architect

Europan 17 Celje (SI)


Team Point of View

The parliament is formed out of the necessity to decontaminate the soil, but also to rethink our approach towards the land, including its flora and fauna as well as its significance for Celje and its people. It consists of the local agents which are affected by the pollution and the measurements of cleaning as well as the future development.
As a reverence point to approach the restoration and densification of the project area, the declaration of the Parliament of Cinkarna aims to establish flourishing symbioses of reflecting the needs and desires of the different local agents. To approach the restoration and densification of the project area four major challenges are tackled:

- mitigate the existing pollution;
- allow careful densification;
- establishing long term habitats and communities of various species;
- mediate human and non-human presences.

Jury Point of View

The project offers a strong message of collaboration and storytelling of the project and shows a tremendous amount of optimism and hope about the potential of incremental change. The multi-actor dimension of this project is highly valued, as it shows how different communities can learn to interact and focuses on engaging people, rather than thinking about how to exclude them. One of the values of this project is the recognition of a legal and procedural framework that is needed to develop such a complex site. This aspect is further reinforced by the proposal to base further development on active participation of the inhabitants without excluding the “voiceless” actors such as animals and nature itself.

Site informations

Celje (SI)

Synthetic site file EN

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes