Vieux Pays - Nouvelle étape
Collectif Hyacinthe s’Imagine
Including the 3 teams:
Camille Le Bivic, Florent Vidaling
Diana Levin, Sidonie Bouillerot, Elodie Bru, Francois Ricros
Guillaume Duranel, Frédéric Blaise, Julia Lenoir
Communauté d’Agglomération Roissy Pays de France
City of Goussainville
PUCA (Plan Urbain Construction Architecture)
Competition team
Guillaume Duranel (FR)
Frédéric Blaise (FR)
Julia Lenoir (FR)
Europan 13 Goussainville
special mention
Our team aims at the revival of the "Vieux Pays" of Goussainville through an urban and programmatic strategy. We believe the authentic features of this historical village, its strategic location next to the airport and the fact that the city owns most of the vacant lots are the main assets for a short-term dynamic and long-term transformations. We propose to rethink the RD47 as a whole, enabling new development in the North. The valley serves as a green connection and to implement a new landscape structure, which will mutate in a few years to welcome slow urban development in the South. A multi-programmatic strategy is developed at the heart of the "Vieux Pays". The first one consists in a craftwork nursing space to encourage new entrepreneurs to settle in the village. New comers are encouraged to use and renew the vacant houses in exchange of a rent-free long-term lease contract. With this strategy, the city is able to revive the village without public funding. The second program consists in a hotel and apartment-hotel complex, which can benefit from the historical features of the village to develop alternative accommodation next to the airport. Finally, the renewal of the castle is done in co-conception with the local inhabitants and association. The "Vieux Pays" becomes a new public space for local communities.

The 3 projects present common ideas: participation with the inhabitants; development of the patrimonial value; the relation with the river Croult, going through the village. The agglomeration gave a contract to the 3 teams (which gathered in an association named “Yacinthe s’Imagine”) for an urban and programmatic feasibility study, with a participative diagnosis, programmatic scenarios and economic evaluation. Programmatic orientations have re-emerged from the work with the inhabitants: crafts, participatory building site, agriculture, cultural value of the village, lodging of leisure.
A guide plan of Vieux Pays has been developed and validated. “Yacinthe s’Imagine” helped communities to take the project over and organized the pre-operational phase, which allowed some temporary facility.