Competition team
Katharina Ipsen (DE) Architect
Tecla Spruit (NL) Anthropologist
Wolfram Meiner (DE) Architect, urbanist
Pino Heye (DE) Architect, urbanist
Cécile Kermaïdic (FR) Architect, geographer
Europan 16 Västerås (SE)
Team point of view
Our project proposes a metabolic approach to sustainable urban development. Our philosophy value is multilayered co-evolution in time, where the social and ecological are intertwined in synergy, as much as the Västerås municipality. We meet the Europan 16 competition themes with vitality, from the foundations of living cities’ architecture to inclusive community-building. Our plan for democratic participation will spark these regenerative feedback loops.
This co-evolution will happen through themed pavilions:
1. SOCIAL - for gatherings, events, and workshops;
2. GREEN - the soil from contamination, to fertilise it and plant trees;
3. WATER - purifying action of algae on polluted water, to rebirthing a habitat for aquatic species and to develop underwater ecosystems.
Jury Point of View
Vitality is an airily presented proposal that shows a clear idea of the process, implementation and sustainability questions. The team shows beautiful architectural additions in the form of several pavilions which can be developed into an industrial park. Vitality is based on questions about the purification of Lake Mälaren's water and the ecology of the site. This puts the proposal in our contemporary context with the major challenges we see in the form of climate change, water level rise, population growth, etc. Vitality also includes strategies for water, greenery and social sustainability.

Site informations
Västerås (SE)
Synthetic site file EN