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Category urban planning – architecture
Location Bordeaux - Quartier de la Bastide
Population City 239,399 inhab. – Conurbation 724,224 inhab.
Strategic site 5 ha - Project site 1.3 ha
Site proposed by EPA Euratlantique, Metropolitan Bordeaux, the City of Bordeaux
Owner(s) of the site EPA Euratlantique
Commision after competition Detailed study of the conversion of the Benauge Fire Station. Follow-up operations can be initiated with partners
Team representative architect – urban planner – landscape architect
More Information
How can the site contribute to the adaptable city?
The Benauge Fire Station stands on the right bank of the Garonne facing the 18th century river front of the left bank. the historic center of Bordeaux listed as world heritage by UNESCO. The fire station is a provocative, emblematic landmark in the urban landscape.
With the planned departure of the fire brigade, concerns for the future of an architectural complex of 1.3 hectares in the heart of the city arise. A subject of passionate debated, the fire station is a place for a project process along the theme of the adaptable city. The issues of opening up a heterotopic complex to the rest of the city, redevelopment strategies for 20th century architectural heritage, transformation programmes, approaches to co-construction and participatory processes become topics to be re-invented.
City strategy
The future of the fire station, preeminent element of the new urban project for the Quartier Garonne Eiffel, is part of the transformation of the whole sector : development along the banks of the Garonne and renovation of the Bastide quarter. The city of Bordeaux, the Bordeaux Metropolitan Area and the public development agency Bordeaux-Euratlantique are calling for innovative proposals for the site : issues include the programme, participatory methods and global financing of the project in a new public/private relationship. There is a desire to open the site up to the rest of the city and to maintain a degree of public space. The buildings making up the fire station complex were listed as architectural heritage in 2014.
Site definition
The site is beautifully oriented on the banks of the Garonne with an excellent view of the historic city. It is close to highway infrastructure and public transport. The height of the fire station and its proximity to the Pont de Pierre make it an urban landmark.
The site is bordered by the Quai Deschamps, the Rue de la Benauge and the new urban quarter of Garonne Eiffel.
Covering 1.3 hectares, the complex of corbusian inspiration, forms a small city within a city with its courtyards, fire station, housing, common spaces and practice tower.
The Benauge Fire Station, constructed in Bordeaux by Claude Ferret, Yves Salier and Adrien Courtois between 1950 and 1954, is an icon of 20th century modern architecture.
Future of the site in relation to the site family and Adaptability
The teams are expected to propose a project process that deals with an emblematic heritage object. The programme for the spaces and their relationship to the heritage architecture are the subjects of the project. An approach that is respectful of historical architecture but bold in function and management is expected. What to do with an old concrete fire station and a block of housing on pilotis in the heart of the city? A diversity of functions, uses and temporalities need to be coordinated. The site has the potential to become a laboratory for a another way to construct the city with new actors. New inter-neighbourhood lines need to be drawn across the fire station site. The goal is to innovatively transform facilities endowed with specific functions through the re-appropriation of those spaces.
The evolution of the both space and use has to be organised. This site requires a position to be taken on a methodology for redeveloping modern architectural heritage. The candidates are asked to propose a collaborative process in order to come up with scenarios that open up the site to the rest of the city, create multiple public and private programmes and find a way to re-utilise housing and other facilities that offer one of the most beautiful views of the Garonne and historic Bordeaux. The results of the competition will be the starting point in a co-constructive process that needs be able to evolve and adapt while still promoting the project’s architectural heritage. The imagination of the site allows us also to imagine a bold re-appropriation of those architectural elements specific to the role of firemen.

Questions on the site
Which parts of the fire station can be modified to adapt the uses to current standards?
Participants will have to take a stand about the potential demolition of part of the fire station. This question is related to the registration of the site as a historical monument, except the gym. The decree will be at disposal for the participants.
There is a visit on April 9th. Are there any visits scheduled at a later point?
Is it possible to have an enlarged .dwg cadastre map of Bordeaux?
The complete site file shows a park and ride adjacent to the firestation and within the project area. Is a relocalisation of this car park planned? Can you precise your expectation on this part of the site, lightly highlighted in the site document?
A relocalisation of the park and ride is not planned. The program on this plot is free. The point is to create the bond with the nearby project which will host offices and housing.
Should we consider the 3 buildings (R+7/R7/R+9) projected in the "Garonne Eiffel" masterplan and located on the East of the fire station?
The plot on the east side of the site is already assigned.
Do we have to take into account the accommodation planned by Garonne Eiffel which are within our perimeter (that is, those from the Dunant street to the firestation car park)? Or may we do as if the whole plot is at our disposal?
You have the whole project site to create the project.
On some documents (1st doc "bedroom with view") the park and ride is included in the perimetre. However, on the given googlemaps link, it isn’t. Which referential document prevails?
The perimeter includes the barracks and the car park.
Why is there a difference between the plot given in .dwg for the competition and the one from the TVK urban plan? Which one of those document shall we take into consideration? Is it possible to have the topography of the whole neighbourhood or the city?
The .dwg given for the competition prevails. The topographic plans nearby the barracks have been added to the complete site files.
Who owns the site ? and the firestation’s building ?
The fireman departmental services, which will leave around 2018.
DRAC Classification: barracks, garage, admnistration building, housing, tower+old gym, housing on the NE of the yard, laundry+ramp. Europan: old gym = not registered and implementation of a building on the plot instead of NE buildings (Garonne Eiffel project). Map of the site with classified element? Taking into account of the G/Eiffel project localized on the barracks site?
Your quesiton is quite unclear...
DRAC classification: ok
Gym not registered : ok
No Garonne Eiffel project on the plot.
In the .DWG file « 108 TVK_M1C_FOND_PLAN GUIDE MAJ FINAL Ind2” provided during April, the XREF “TVK_M1C_FOND Ind2” related to the representation of existing Bordeaux is missing. Can you provid the file with all the XREFS?
Your request has been transmitted to the EPA.
Can you confirm the leaving date of the fireman of the Benauge firestation? Thanks
It will be around 2018.
A structural diagnosis was planned to be put on the competition server. When will it be? Is this diagnosis available?
No structural study will be given.
With our team we have noticed a difference of the plot limit between the .DWG given for the competition and the urban planning .DWG. Which .DWG prevails? Thanks
The .DWG given for the competition.
May we have the vectorial planimetry of a larger zone than the competition zone as well as the “Garonne Eiffel” project?
What kind of certificate should an architecture student that has not graduated yet submit?
See section "Questions on Rules" for questions related to rules ("Team")
May you give us current pictures of the indoor spaces of the barracks? (housing, administrative area, garage). Thaks
We don’t have pictures of the indoor spaces.
Do you have more informations about the firemen leaving? Will it be at one go or one building at a time? In case of the second hypothesis, which would be the first building available?
Yes, the building will be vacated at one go.
It was planned to add to the site file a structural study and the documents related to the site’s historical monuments classification. Is it still relevant?
A structural study won’t be given. The document related to the site’s historical monuments classification will be provided.
In the provided documents, we haven’t found the gym’s plan, neither the 2 buildings nearby it. Will they be given?
All plans have been given. It’s in the Bordeaux-FR-PS-M02 file, in the New documents after launch file.
This site is connected to the following theme
How to integrate vacant sites in urban development? Changes in economy, governance or society can give rise to overwhelming vacant spaces in the urban landscape: entire building complexes waiting for new users, former military zones, leftover green areas... These spaces cannot be taken up in normal/organic urban development as they are far too large and in need of full adaptation. Where should we therefore search for elements to fill the emptiness up and when can we consider it as a value? How can we give sense to vacancy and integrate it in new ways of making the city?
Specific documents
E13 FR - Launch: Bordeaux & Metz
Questions on the site
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Fr. 16 May 2025
Deadline for submitting questions
Fr. 30 May 2025
Deadline for answers
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