Besançon (FR)

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Project Scales L/S - Urban and architectural

Location City of Besançon, Montboucons & Montrapon districts, Bouloie campus, TEMIS (microtechnical & scientific technopole)

Population Conurb. 270,000 inhab., City 150,000 inhab.

Strategic site 190 ha – Project site from 1 to 4 ha

Site proposed by City of Besançon, CA du Grand Besançon
in partnership with the University of Franche-Comté (UFC), Syndicat Mixte du Parc Scientifique et Industriel (SM PSI)

Actors involved City of Besançon, CA du Grand Besançon, the University of Franche-Comté (UFC), Syndicat Mixte du Parc Scientifique et Industriel (SM PSI)

Owner of the site City of Besançon, UFC, SEDD (Société d’Équipement du Département du Doubs), private owners

Post-competition phase Studies and position of project manager for urban planning and landscape architecture, architectural project to be arranged with the partners

Team representative architect, uban planner, lanscaper

More Information

How can the site contribute to the productive city?

With 8,700 students, 500 researchers and more than 4,000 employees, the campus of Bouloie and the TEMIS technology park are two centres dedicated to scientific and technological production, complementary but relatively impervious. Backed onto the ring road and near an industrial zone, they are separated from the city centre by a heterogeneous fabric of bits of suburbia and residential pockets, sports facilities and activities scattered along the rail tracks. The site raises the question of spatial interactions and new mixed-uses to link mono-functional entities, hybridize the urban models, combining urban and architectural forms. There is a need to develop places of sharing and production that combine housing, artisan workshops, local services, shops and agriculture in order to open up the campuses, bringing the city into the university and diversifying areas of related activities.

City strategy

Confronted with the isolation of these major centres, the city and metropolitan area are pursuing three objectives: increase public transport with the creation of a new segregated-lane bus line; working with UFC to reorganize and consolidate the university living areas; develop interfaces and connections between the campus and the technology park; diversify uses to create a greater permeability between the city and the university at the interior and on the fringes of the campus. The opening in 2017 of a new segregated-lane public transport connection (TCSP-Viotte-Campus-Temis) is a initial guiding thread to rethinking these spatial and programmatic interactions, centring activities within the urban fabric and giving an attractiveness to the university. A project to create a garden of knowledge and discovery at the heart of the campus (current botanical gardens) is part of this approach.

Site definition 

The study site presents strong landscape qualities (woodlands, parks, open spaces). The natural topography is, however, marked by physical breaks and a distended cityscape that is fragmented and difficult to read: university buildings, student residences, businesses located on the technology park, scattered dwellings, neighbourhoods under renovation (Montrapon). The site is perceived by students, researchers, employees and residents as symbolic and physically isolated from the rest of the city. Forward-looking strategic responses on this scale are expected.
The project sites are the result of a search for available land but are not exhaustive. Europan teams have the opportunity to update the list, especially along the ring road and boulevards with a scenario to upgrade the facades.

How is Production Considered in the Urban Diversity Program?

Productive interfaces between the city, university, technological park and industrial zone: on the scale of the study site, a logical passage of several juxtaposed urban models of hybridization should reveal land opportunities for the reintroduction of local, cultural and social production.
Supportive and productive students and inhabitants: question students’ lifestyles and housing, their ability to participate in the production of their own environment, the potential to introduce new uses likely to attract other public outside university time. How to link resources belonging to student life and those from the urban environment so as to diversify the activities involved?
Refocusing of activities around a public transport line: in recent decades public transport has been a tool of requalification and development of public space. The new segregated-lane bus line Viotte - Campus - Temis can be considered as a tool for enhancing and repositioning a fabric of small businesses along the street.
Facades and productive edges, around and together with large infrastructures: the site is delimited and crossed by several major axes of metropolitan Besançon with discontinuous facades often of little quality (North Ring Road, Churchill Boulevard, Avenue des Montboucons, Avenue de Montrapon, Route de Gray). Europan is an opportunity to give once again to these axes, beyond their sole function of circulation, quality and productive functions.


Questions on the site

Is it possible to have precise contours for the strategic site and its environment ?

Unfortunately we don't have neither contours nor a more precise topographical survey than the plan that was added to the complete site folder after the site visit.

This site is connected to the following theme

From City to Productive City
How to Create Vibrant Productive Districts with Craftmen, Makers & Local Production?

How to Create Vibrant Productive Districts with Craftmen, Makers & Local Production?

Every city would like to be diversified. Yet standard approaches to create “vibrant communities” summon an imagery of housing, offices, cafés and restaurants. But, is that enough? Shouldn’t we also instil liveliness in an existing neighbourhood by fostering productive activities? Could this option also be viable in the case of bedroom communities? What does production mean for creative- and knowledge-based industries? What economic balance is necessary to retain productive activities as the area improves and prices rise?

Specific documents

Vidéo réalisée lors de la visite du site de Besançon, le 3 avril 2017, en présence de : Nicolas BODIN, Adjoint au Maire de Besançon, chargé de l’urbanisme, de l’aménagement urbain et des grands travaux Dominique SCHAUSS, Vice-président du Grand Besançon chargé de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche Damien CHARLET, Vice-président de l’UFC, chargé du numérique et des campus Claire DUPOUET, Vice-Présidente de l’UFC, chargée des politiques culturelles Anne VIGNOT, Adjointe au Maire de Besançon, chargée du développement durable, de l’environnement, et du cadre de vie Anthony POULIN, Conseiller municipal délégué à la vie étudiante, aux modes doux et à la Maison de la Mobilité Lise PINOIT, Région Bourgogne Franche Comté, Conseillère de cabinet de la Présidente Sébastien HOUTTEMENT, Département du Doubs, Chef de service Conseil aux Maires et Développement des Territoires Dominique FROMENT, Directrice du CROUS de Besançon Bruno FAVIER, Directeur de TEMIS Innovation Frédéric CISLAGHI, CCH Montrapon Montboucons Tilleroyes, Coordinateur Françoise BERTHET, Ville de Besançon et Grand Besançon, Directrice Département Urbanisme et grands projets urbains Pascal MILLARD, Ville de Besançon, Directeur de l’Urbanisme, projets et planification Laurence FABRE, Ville de Besançon, Chef de projet Direction de l’Urbanisme Jean Paul MARTINO, Directeur de la Maison de quartier de Montrapon Frédéric CHERIOUX, Directeur Adjoint de l’Institut FEMTO-ST

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Fr. 16 May 2025
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Fr. 30 May 2025
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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes