Esparreguera – Colonia Sedó (ES)


Esparraguera Colonia Sedó (ES)

Scale L urban - XL territorial
Team representative multidisciplinary team with a diversity of profiles: architecture, urban planning, rehabilitation, historical heritage, economist, geographer, sociologist, environmentalist and civil engineering
Location Colonia Sedó, Esparraguera municipality
Population 22,551 inhabitants
Strategic site 427.46 ha - Project site 19.33 ha

Site proposed by Incasòl
Actors involved Incasòl + City Council
Owner(s) of the site 44% Public / 56%private

Commission after competition Definition of a Strategic Development Plan for the development of the Còlonia Sedó; Strategy for the rehabilitation of the residential complex; Rehabilitation project for the old Fonda’s building for habitational use.

More Information

Urban City Strategy

A strategic analysis of the Colony’s residential and industrial complex that weights the revitalisation of the industrial fabric in the context of the Colony’s obsolescence, the mixity in contrast to the current specialisation of uses and typologies, and the inclusiveness and integration, in contrast to the current urban and social segregation.
The strategic analysis should take the form of action to be taken on existing historical heritage assets together with the integration of new buildings, the connectivity of the Colony to the surrounding urban fabric, a self-sufficient energy transition of the Colony, with the installation of renewable energies and the use of water resources, as well as the integration of urban agriculture with the open spaces in the residential sector.

Site Definition

The Colony covers 14,39 Ha and is located by the riverside of the Llobregat river, 2 km north to Esparraguera’s historical city centre, 35 km away from Barcelona. The colony is accessible through the county road C-1414 that communicates Esparraguera with Olesa de Montserrat, a 7 km’s ride from the fist urban core, at 3’5 km from the latest.
At first it was a single real estate - the perimetral stone wall that enclosed it remains still - dedicated to industrial production of textile. The structure of the colony’s plan is based on the separation and distinction of its activities. In its southern end is located the zone for industrial activities, nowadays occupied by a multitude of small-sized businesses. In its northern part is located the residential zone that reached at some point 229 housing units, together with the buildings that offered services derived from the inhabitants needs, such as a church, a school, an old theatre, the ancient washing place or the eatery. As a central and articulating space, on the edge - the gates - that separates the productive zone and the residences, stand the old master’s house, with its garden.

How Must Metabolism and Inclusivity Be Developed and Connected?

In the second half of the 19th century, the main vectors of Catalonia's industrialisation were its rivers. This gave rise to a new social and business model in 77 industrial colonies. These combined their industrial activity with housing for their workforce, as they were in areas isolated from existing urban cores and a clear spatial differentiation of the uses that were developed inside.
Colònia Sedó is one of the oldest examples of the latter. Colònia Sedó was built in 1846 as a textile hub. It reached its maximum splendour in 1940 and concluded in 1980 when production ceased, followed by a gradual reduction in the occupancy of its 229 houses implying the continuous degradation of its structures. In 2003, Incasòl acquired the residential part of the Colony, where 37 families still live. Ownership of the industry was broken up, and now, small and medium-sized industries operate from the site.
Today' the Colony represents an obsolete urban model, specialized in its two main uses and that is configured as a space of urban and social segregation. The whole sets a space for opportunity in which to develop a new urban shape that weights the high importance of the heritage by introducing uses, spaces and activities that will permit shaping a new future for the Colony. The point is to develop the potential of the natural setting with environmental and heritage opportunities, by the implementation of initiatives that integrate renewable energies, and in particular the hydric resource already present in the colony from the outset.

Questions on the site

¿Qué grado de desarrollo consideran que los equipos deben abordar en lo que se refiere a la rehabilitación de las viviendas existentes? No nos queda claro si se considera parte a desarrollar (conceptualmente) en las propuestas del concurso, o bien si se menciona para tenerlo en cuenta, pero se abordará debidamente post-concurso.

As it is described in detail in document Brief, the main result sought for this competition site is a strategic analysis of the Colony’s residential and industrial complex, considering the revitalization of its industrial fabric in the face of the current obsolescence of the complex, coalescence or mixticity as opposed to the prevailing specialization of uses and typologies, and inclusivity and integration as opposed to its current urban and social segregation. Therefore, it is important to give the strategic guidelines in the first phase and don’t go into details, and the second phase of the project will be the one that develops and specifies the rehabilitation lines.

¿Tienen datos concretos sobre la conformación de los hogares y cómo se agrupan los 84 habitantes que actualmente residen en las 36 viviendas de la zona residencial? ¿Se dispone de información sobre los perfiles de los habitantes? (edades, sexo, estado civil, rentas...)

It is not the subject of this competition to get into the details, in the first phase the strategic analysis should cover four concepts: the action on the historic heritage-listed assets and the integration of new buildings and uses, the Colony’s connectivity with the surrounding urban fabric and areas of natural interest, a self-sufficient energy transition for the Colony  incorporating renewable energy and the use of water resources, and the integration of urban agriculture into the open spaces in the residential sector.

¿Se podría disponer de más información sobre cuáles son las naves industriales que, por su uso, puedan poseer grandes superficies sin aprovechar? Es decir, en que naves se desarrollan actividades que no requieren la totalidad de m2 de los que disponen.

All the available information of the companies that are currently occupying the industrial buildings has already been provided and can be consulted at “Docs_after_Lauch”. But at this first stage it would be important to determine the urban morphology that could work and define its urban fabric, and it would be at the second stage that it will be necessary to specify and detail.

Sobre los metros adicionales de construcción nueva (11.840m2) planteados por el PMU de la zona residencial ¿En esta fase del concurso, se espera que abordemos una propuesta morfológica del crecimiento de la colonia? ¿Se contempla solo uso residencial o esta superficie incluye también equipamientos y servicios?

Yes, we are expected to address a morphological approach to colony growth, and as it’s pointed out on the Brief, coalescence or mixticity as opposed to the prevailing specialization of uses and typologies is part of the main result sought.

Sobre las naves industriales que sufrieron un incendio en 2016 ¿Se puede determinar cuáles fueron las naves afectadas, su estado actual y si estas son susceptibles de intervención con otro uso que no sea estrictamente el industrial?

We do not have that information available and we will not be able to provide it for the present competition.

The site proposal says Study areas are L and XL, but the commission is Strategic Rehab and Rehab of Fonda. Does it mean we have to include the proposal for the strategic rehabilitation of the Residential area and the Fonda in the competition submission? 

As it is described in detail in document Brief, the main result sought for this competition site is a strategic analysis of the Colony’s residential and industrial complex, considering the revitalization of its industrial fabric in the face of the current obsolescence of the complex, coalescence or mixticity as opposed to the prevailing specialization of uses and typologies, and inclusivity and integration as opposed to its current urban and social segregation. Therefore it is important to give the strategic guidelines in the first phase and not to descend into the definition of fine detail, and the second phase of the project will be the one that develops and specifies the rehabilitation lines.

From the current POUM, the Land use for Colonia Sedo is 'ordenacio volumetric specific', Will This be changed ? Does this have consequences for the proposal ?

This can be changed as this is not a relevant aspect of the contest.

According to Esparraguera POUM the whole Esparraguera area is classified as ‘Moderate Growth’ Based on PTMB. Which means we will only be able to build 30% more from the current GFA. Is this true ? Do we have Restrictions in terms of total area we can build ?

Since the PTMB has not been yet approved, the POUM of Esparraguera is currently been drafted and this should be taken as recommendations but proposals can go beyond this.

Is there a Regional Master Plan that includes all the Industrial Colonies along the Llobregat River ?

To date, there are academic and institutional publications on the issue but no binding master plan has been developed.

Several Master Plans Were Done, What were the specific issues faced that did not enable to proceed with them ?


As can be read in Brief document, in 2010, an update and review of the urbanization cost of PMU 5.01 and a market study of housing prices in the municipality revealed serious issues with the financial viability of the project, which was a decisive factor in the decision to halt progress on the planning process, and in March 2014, the Catalonia High Court issued a ruling declaring the approval of the SP and PMU 5.01 null and void, due to its lack of legal cover because the underlying Master Plan had been declared null and void.

Was the focus of them in the Residential Area and Industrial Area Separately ?


Also, as can be read in Brief document, in July 2008, the Barcelona Territorial Urban Planning Commission gave its final approval to the Colonia Sedó Special Plan (SP). The Commission stipulated that this SP required the prior design of the corresponding Urban Improvement Plan (PMU) 5.01 for residential uses, which would connect to part of a forest park, and PMU 05.02, to define the industrial zone. It also stipulated the need to resolve access issues to the Colonia, the restoration of the land defined for public facilities, and left the Urban Improvement Plan to define the uses and works that would be permitted for the buildings in the industrial sector. Simultaneously, the Esparreguera City Council definitively ratified the PMU 5.01 for the residential sector.

What were the issues faced for the Rehabilitation of some of these buildings ?

Regarding the residential area, the issues are connected to the simplicity of the existing construction. In the last 10 years, work has been carried out to stabilize the structure of the buildings, update the existing services, and rehabilitate the roof and floors.

What do we have to consider from the Plan Director to be essential ? What Can be dismissed from the Plan Director ?

 What is important to consider from the Plan Director to be essential you can find in Brief document. The purpose of this competition is to go off several Master Plans already done and review again and provide a fresh  approach to the issues concerning the Colonia.

Who are the potential investors that already express interest in the site (other than INCASOL)?

To date, only the current owners: Incasol in the residential area and different businessmen in the industrial area, and the city council of Esparreguera have shown interest.

Is there an initial budget considered for the renovation project execution? What are the funds we could have in mind to consider for the feasibility of the proposal?

First and foremost, it is important to define and specify the project, and at a later stage we will assess the availability of external funding.

How many companies are there in total currently operating in the Poligono? Who are they? (name and contact person)

All the available information of the companies that are currently occupying the industrial buildings has already been provided and can be consulted at “Docs_after_launch”

Who lives in the Poligono (inside the gated industrial zone)? Is it confirmed that there are residents in that area? Are they registered? Are we allowed to contact them? Is there a community representative for the occupants of the Poligono? 

We are aware that there are some residents in the industrial zone but we don’t have detailed information about them.

Historic value: is there an inventory of the buildings of NO historic value? Is there a Map of the buildings we are allowed to demolish and the ones we have to keep?

CF. “Docs_after_launch”

Is there an inventory of the structurally impaired buildings?


To date, we do not have that information available. 

Phasing of transformation: Is there a preferred starting point for the transformation of the colonia Sedo site, or is this entirely up to the team to strategize?


This is entirely up to the team to strategize.

How large/deep is the gallery of the river that goes under the Poligono? Hypothetically Could a small boat or kayak “navigate” the river through the site?


At this moment, we do not have that information available. 

What is the quality of water in Llobregat River ? Does the Repair of the river bed need to include a type of treatment to help accelerate the water quality ?


Currently, we don’t have this information.

Do you have a map that includes the current building Heights ? 


To date, we do not have that information available

This site is connected to the following theme

Reinventing Rurality and Productive Heritage

Care is about recognizing the vulnerability of our living milieu. It is about finding new design ways to pay attention to marginalized, hurt, or ignored areas and help to repair them.
These sites are heritage-related, regarding previous forms of production or related to rurality. Part of the challenge is about taking care of such areas with little means of economy by revalorizing the existing as an asset to living and working in the countryside.

Specific documents

Questions on the site

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Fr. 16 May 2025
Deadline for submitting questions

Fr. 30 May 2025
Deadline for answers

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes

Gate between the residential and industrial colonies
Industrial colony
Residential colony
The church in the residential colony