Fleurance (FR)

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Scales L/S

Team representative Architect, urbanist and landscape architect
Location Fleurance - Gers (32)
Population City 6,000 inhabitants, Communauté de communes of la Lomagne Gersoise 19,173 inhabitants

Reflection site 37 ha - Project site 4 ha

Site proposed by City of Fleurance
Actors involved City of Fleurance, Lomagne Gersoise (community of municipalities), ANCT (National Agency for Territorial Cohesion)
Owner(s) of the site City of Fleurance

Commission after competition Urban and architectural feasibility studies, architectural and urban contract.

More Information

Inhabited milieu's challenges

«Florencia floruit, floret semperque florebit».
In the heart of the Lomagne region of Gers, regularly named the «French Tuscany», and in honor of the prestigious city of Florence, Eustache de Beaumarchais, who built bastides for the King of France, founded Fleurance in the 13th century.
Built on an orthogonal plan centered on a market hall, the town has expanded over the decades along the main roads that structure the territory from north to south.
Today, Fleurance participates in the governmental program «Patites Villes de Demain», which aims to «improve the quality of life in small centralities and surrounding rural areas, through dynamic trajectories committed to the ecological transition».
The site proposed by the City of Fleurance is an industrial and commercial wasteland, on the edge of the former southern rampart of the Bastide, now occupied by the Aristide Briand paths that flank the RN 21, the main road that links Auch and Agen.
One of the major challenges for the City, in the rehabilitation, transformation and reuse of this wasteland, is to reinforce the attractiveness of the town center by offering the inhabitants (and with the aim of welcoming new ones) the creation of a new common narrative, in connection with the history of the place and that of the territory. In a context of climatic emergency, it will be a question of experimenting and imagining new architectural dynamics, respectful of the environment and regenerative for the territory. It will also be a question of inventing, in the heart of the Bastide and in the immediate proximity of preserved natural elements, new uses which will participate, from an ecological, social and cultural point of view, in the creation of new urban synergies.

Questions to competitors

In the heart of the Bastide of Fleurance, in a territory irrigated by the Gers and its tributaries, how can an industrial and commercial wasteland, historically and architecturally linked to the strong agricultural activity that has shaped the landscape, be reactivated and reused in order to create new urban synergies?
What uses should be imagined to allow, in an inclusive way and with a concern for territorial balance, the creation of new spatial interactions on the project site, then on the scale of the city?
What architectural, urban and landscape processes should be developed to initiate, from the project site, the revitalization of the historic center and create at the same time new links between the different parts of the territory?
Still based on the project site, what new mobility systems should be included in a project to redefine and enhance public space at the city level?
More generally, how can the different components of an urban metabolism under construction be enriched and linked between culture, nature, habitat, associative and intergenerational life, thanks to an inclusive redefinition of public space on a city scale, initiated by the transformation and reappropriation of an indus- trial, agricultural and commercial wasteland in the historic heart of Fleurance?
The aim is to create a new narrative between the historic city, agricultural land and nearby natural spaces, through a reflection on our ways of living and using the resources at our disposal. The projects developed on the site of the wasteland will have to question and put forward new possibilities to meet, to consult, to explore and to emancipate, while taking care of the inhabited milieus, whether they are human or non-hu- man.

Questions on the site

Hello, simple question. Would it be possible to have the surveyor's statements in dwg format? Thank you in advance for your feedback.

See New docs after launch, in the complete site folder, new docs have been uploaded.

Hello, do you have DWGs of the buildings? Have a nice day.

See New docs after launch, in the complete site folder, new documents have been uploaded.

Do you have more details on the presence of asbestos or other pollution on the site? Is there a plan of the ground floor of the "former tower silo" building, plot 714?

No further details...presence of asbestos in some fibro roofs and very possibly in the pvc slabs of the "store" building.

All available plans have been communicated in New docs after launchin the complete site folder.

We'd like to visit the site on the weekend of June 3. Do you think it would be possible to access the buildings at that time?

For safety reasons, buildings are not accessible / film in progress

For further information on site visit, please contact: contact@europanfrance.org

Hello, in the "site brief" it mentions " annex sheets " on several occasions. Could you please tell us where we can access these documents? Best regards.

These action sheets are listed in the downloadable documents section (complete site folder). They are grouped together in 1 file in the "territory" section: fiches actions pvd FR-FLEURANCE-C-T

Can plot 1071, marked in red as part of the project but described as part of the garden of the neighbouring house, be integrated into the built project? Can we built on the plot 1071, marked in red as part of the project but described as part of the garden of the neighbouring house?

Plot 1071 cannot be included in the project.

On the scale of the urban strategy and within the urban perimeter delimited by the program, can abandoned housing areas be upgraded, even if they belong to private individuals (based on the town council's right of pre-emption for the proper development of the project in the long term)?

The choice is left to the applicants, but Fleurance expects projects to be viable in the short term.

On the scale of the urban strategy and within the urban perimeter defined by the programme, can abandoned house be integrated, even if they belong to private owners (based on the city’s right of pre-emption for the proper development of the project in the long term)?

The choice is left to the applicants, but Fleurance expects projects to be viable in the short term.

Some sections are shown on the geometric plans but are not part of the corpus of documents, is this an oversight? Similarly, there is no ground floor plan for the silo. Thank you very much!

All the information provided by the town has been forwarded / see the geometrician's dwg plans in the complete site folder.

The DRC plan of the silos is included in the complete site folder.

This site is connected to the following theme

Transforming neighbourhoods and buildings towards an inclusive milieu

A Second Life! is a metamorphosis of a situation. The challenge is to regenerate and to support spaces in need of transformation from a new perspective towards the pre-existences and the hidden treasures that are already there. A new revalorization of all kind of resources – natural, heritage, energy, flows, economy, social… It means to reconsider uses and new proximities linking ecological and social dynamics. How to be attentive and welcoming to differences and vulnerabilities nourished by inhabited milieus facing climate change?

Questions on the site

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Fr. 16 May 2025
Deadline for submitting questions

Fr. 30 May 2025
Deadline for answers

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If your question does not receive any answer in 10 days, check the FAQ to make sure the answer does not appear under another label or email the secretariat concerned by the question (national secretariat for the sites, European secretariat for the rules).

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes