
Download the rules pdf here : EN / ES / FR
Download the annex document here : EN / FR


1. Entry Conditions

1.1. Entrants and Team Composition
1.2. Non-Eligibility

2. Registration

2.1. Europan 18 Website 
2.2. Team Registration

3. Information Available to Teams

3.1. Synthetic Site Files 
3.2. Briefs 
3.3. Complete Site Folder
3.4. FAQ

4. Entry Submission

4.1. Digital Submission 
4.2. Anonymity and Compulsory Content 
4.3. Language 
4.4. Items to Submit 
4.5. Control of the Submissions

5. Results and Prizes

5.1. Results 
5.2. Winners 
5.3. Runners-up
5.4. Special Mentions

6. Communication of the Competition

6.1. Events 
6.2. Publications 
6.3. Websites

7. Rights and Obligations

7.1. Ownership 
7.2. Exhibition and Publication Rights 
7.3. Disputes

8. List of Europan 18 Competitions




1.1. Entrants and Team Composition

Europan 18 is open to all graduate young design professionals:
- of related disciplines:
        architects, urban planners, landscape architects, engineers, artists
- and/or from other relevant fields:
        sociology, geography, biology, environment, ecology...
- and/or with:
        one or more students with a bachelor degree or equivalent in architecture or related disciplines.

Every team member must be under the age of 40 years old on the closing date for submission of projects.

There are TWO STATUSES of team members in the Europan competition:

                  Associates – Associates are considered to be authors of the project and are credited as such in all national and European publications and exhibitions. Each team has to have at least 1 person with a diploma (in architecture, landscape architecture or urban planning) from a university specified within the EU Directive 2005/36/2021, or with an equivalent degree from a university within the natural borders of Europe, recognized by the professional architects’ organizations in the country of the competition site. Other professionals must have an applicable European university degree, regardless of nationality. The compulsory requirement is to hold such a degree.
Membership in a European professional body is optional, except for associates without a European degree.
Students accepted as associates must have a bachelor degree or equivalent in architecture or related disciplines from a university according to the same criteria as the other associates.

                   Contributors – Teams may include Contributors who may be qualified or not but none of them shall be considered as an author of the project. The contributors must also be under the age of 40 years old on the closing date for submission of entries.

On some sites, the team must include at least one qualified architect. On other sites, a team may include at least one landscape architect and/or one urban planner, without the presence of an architect. This is specified site by site, in the technical information, on the site synthetic file and the site brief (“Team composition”).

Team Representative – Each team names one Team Representative among the associates. The Team Representative is the sole contact with the national and European secretariats during the whole competition. Furthermore, every communication shall be done with one email address, which shall remain the same during the whole session (until December 31st, 2025).

There is no limit to the number of participants per team. Multidisciplinary teams are strongly recommended with regards to the sites' issues.
A registered team can modify its composition on the European website until the closing date for submissions.
No further change shall be accepted after this date.
Each team member (associate and contributor) shall be registered as such on the European website before the closing date for submissions.
One team can submit a project on different sites in different countries with participation limited to one site in the same country (or a same common jury if it is an associated country) and one person can be part of different teams provided that the projects are not submitted in the same country.

1.2. Non-Eligibility 

No competition organizer and/or member of their families are eligible to take part in the competition on a site where he/she is involved. Still, he/she can participate on another site in which he/she is not involved.
Are considered as organizers: members of the Europan structures and their employees; employees and contractors working for partners with sites proposed in the current session, members of technical committees; jury members and their employees.
For implementations, Europan follows EU law on public procurement and all EU sanctions that are in place at any given time. National sanctions may also apply differently in individual countries. Competitors are themselves solely responsible for evaluating if their eligibility to participate can be affected by these sanctions.


Registration is done on the European website –– and implies the acceptance of the competition rules.

In compliance with French Act #78-17 of Jan. 6th, 1978, on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties the protection of personal data communicated during registration is guaranteed. With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced in May, 25th, 2018, you hold the right to access and modify the information regarding your participation, as well as the right to limit, transfer personal files and eliminate your personal data.

2.1. Europan 18 Website 

The European website for eighteenth session of the competition is available online from the opening date of the competition, at the following url:
It includes: the rules for the Europan 18 competition; the session topic; the sites's presentation (synthetic site file and brief) grouped geographically, by themes or by scales; the juries compositions; and an organisational chart of all the Europan structures.
The registration of the teams and the complete digital sending of the projects are only done via the European website.

2.2. Team Registration 

Registration to the competition is €100 for the first site. Additional Complete Site Folders cost €50 per site.
No registration will be refunded.
Payment is automatically confirmed on the website. The team can then access its personal area and the digital entry area and download the Complete Site Folder for the selected site.
Members of the same team do not need to register/pay individually. Registration/payment is by team.


3.1. Synthetic Site Files
Available for free

The Synthetic Site Files present a summary vision of the site. They are available for free on the site presentation pages of the European website and help the teams to have a global view of the sites.
This document is in English (and sometimes also in the site language).

3.2. Briefs
Available for free

The Brief is a A4 illustrated document around 30-pages, aiming at providing a better understanding of the main elements of the context through the existing elements as well as through the site’s mutation issues and its environment. It is available for free on the site presentation pages of the European website in order to help the teams select their project sites.
This document is in English (and sometimes also in the site language).

3.3. Complete Site Folders
Available upon registration

The Complete Site Folders include detailed visual documents on the city, the site, its context as well as drawings, pictures and any graphic document required for the design process.
These Folders are available on the site presentation pages of the European website (after registration on the site and logging in to the website) and help the teams design their project on the chosen site.
They include pictures, diagrams and graphics of the following 3 scales:

a. Territorial
b. Reflection Site
c. Project Site

The detailed list included in these varisous documents is abailable to competitors in an annex document, entitled "Elements available to the teams", and can be downloaded in the same way as the rules.

3.4. FAQ

Questions on the sites

A visit is organised on each site with the teams and the municipalities and/or developers to give a detailed picture of the issues related to the site and answer to the questions. The national structure of the site then publishes a report in English in a maximum of two weeks after the visit. This report is available online on the site presentation pages of the European website.
In addition to this an FAQ section on sites is open on the European website for a limited period of time (see calendar). Only registered teams can ask questions on sites.

Questions on the rules

An FAQ section on rules is open on the European website for a limited period of time (see Calendar).


4.1. Digital Submission

Digital submission is compulsory.
The complete submissions shall be submitted before midnight (Paris-FR-Summer local time) on June 29th, 2025, on the European website (Entry section).
Failure to comply with the hereunder-mentioned requirements on board presentation may result in the disqualification of the team.
The number of entries per site is available on the European website on the top of the sites' presentation page.

4.2. Anonymity and Compulsory Content

The site name and the project title must be displayed on every document: panels, illustrated text and communication documents.
A specific anonymity code is automatically attributed to each project upon the upload. The teams do not know this code, through which the jury members take note of the project. The teams’ identities are revealed via an automatic link between the code and the team on the online projects database.
Warning! No individual or office names should appear on panels and/or other documents of the submission.

4.3. Language

The panels and the text presenting the ideas shall be written in English with optionally the language of the country in addition (bilingual).

4.4. Items to Submit 

Submissions include documents divided as follows:

- 3 vertical A1 project panels composed of visual elements of the project; 
- 1 illustrated text presenting the ideas of the project (4 pages max. - A4 vertical);
- Documents proving the eligibility of the team members; 
- Documents for communication (3 images + a text of 800 signs, spaces included);
- After the results announcement, for Winners and Runners-up: 1 communication video presenting the rewarded projects.

A1 Panels
The 3 panels must:

- explain the urban ideas developed in the project with regards to the site issues and the thematic orientations of the session;
- develop the project as a whole, highlighting the architecture of the project, and particularly the relationship between the new developments and the site’s existing context, including three-dimensional representations of the project;
- develop the method foreseen for the implementation process.

All graphic and descriptive documents must have a graphic scale.

Technical specifications:

- PDF format; 
- Vertical A1 (L 594 mm x H 841 mm) ; 
- Maximum 20 Mb 
- One box (L 60 mm x H 40 mm) is left blank in the upper left corner for the automatic insertion of the code; the name of the city must be placed next to it; 
- Panels numbered from 1 to 3 in the upper right corner; 
- The team is free to decide on the positioning of the proposal title.



The text must present the ideas of the project and its links with the theme of the ongoing session but also explain its processes and periods of implementation.

Technical specifications:

- 3 to 4 (max) pages with limited visuals; 
- PDF format; 
- Vertical A4 (L 210mm x H 297mm)
- One box (L 60 mm x H 40 mm) is left blank in the upper left corner for the automatic insertion of the anonymity code; the name of the city appears next to it

Documents to prove the eligibility of the team members

Documents for the disclosure of names and verification of the validity of the proposals shall be uploaded as PDF’s on the European website.
Personal information includes:

> FOR THE TEAM: the Team Form and Declaration of Author- and Partnership and of Acceptance of the competition rules available online on the team’s personal area; to be filled out and signed;

- A copy of an ID document with a picture, providing evidence that they are under the age of 40 at the closing date for submission of entries (see calendar);
- A copy of their European degree as an architectural, urban or landscape professional (architect, landscaper, urban planner…) or proof of such a status under the law of a European country, or from other relevant field .

> FOR EACH CONTRIBUTOR: A copy of an ID document with a picture, providing evidence that they are under the age of 40 at the closing date for submission of entries (see calendar).

No other document than the ones above-listed is necessary. 

Warning: The personal documents must be uploaded individually for each team member. Only team members that correctly registered and submitted their eligibility documents separately shall be considered within the team final composition.
The upload of one sole document with all the required information (copies of the ID’s and degrees) will not be accepted.

Documents for the project communication

Each project must be summered up as follows:
- One short text of 800 signs (spaces included, to be typed in during submission) developing the project ideas;
- 3 separate PDF images that symbolize the project (max. 1Mb per image).

Communication Video

Winners and Runners-up of the E18 session will make a communication video presenting their proposal and will be sent, after the announcement of the results on Monday, November 17th, 2025, to the European Secretariat before Sunday January 4th, 2026. It will be posted on Instagram as a Reels, and a link on the website will redirect to it.
- length: between 2 minutes (minimum) and 3 minutes (maximum);
- Format : MP4 video with the video CODEC H.264;
- Dimension: ratio 16:9 horizontal
- Image : add an image that could be used as a cover image for the video;
- Language for the voice and/or texts: English. For better understanding, it is recommended to add English subtitles;
- Content: the videos will have to put in movement as a priority:
       . the main ideas of the project linked to the theme of the session
       . the possible process to develop the project in time

4.5. Control of the Submissions

Each team can check the upload of their projects on their online personal area. They can also –if needed– modify these documents until the deadline for submissions.
period of 5 days is left open after the deadline for submissions (see Calendar) for the European secretariat to control the upload of each submission sent before the deadline of submission, as well as to correct the potential problems that might have appeared during the upload of the documents with supporting evidence. No disagreement will be considered without a screenshot of the page to check the reception of the project; date and time should appear clearly on this screenshot.



All the results for Europan 18 (winners, runners-up, special mentions) are available online from November 17th, 2025, on the European website (Results section).

5.2. Winners

Winners receive a reward of the equivalent of €12,000- (all taxes included) in the currency of the site’s country (at the exchange rate on the date of the announcement of the results). The organizers undertake to abide by the decisions of the national juries and to pay the reward within 90 days of the announcement of the results.

5.3. Runners-up

Runners-up receive a reward of the equivalent of €6,000- (all taxes included) in the currency of site’s country (at the exchange rate on the date of the announcement of the results). The organizers undertake to abide by the decisions of the national juries and to pay the reward within 90 days of the announcement of the results.

5.4. Special Mentions

A Special Mention can be awarded to a project considered innovative although not completely adapted to the site. The authors of such proposals do not receive a reward.


6.1 Events

At the national scale of the organizing and associate countries

Promotion is organized around the competition launch.
After the first jury round, an exhibition or online publication of all the submissions on one site can be organised, provided that it respects the teams’ anonymity and it is correctly communicated beforehand. This communication shall be specified in the site brief.
The results announcement is accompanied with results ceremonies and presentations and/or workshops creating a first contact between the winning teams and the site representatives.

At the European scale

A European event called "Inter-Sessions Forum" is the link between a finishing session and the beginning of the new one. This forum gathers the winning teams and site representatives of the finishing session and the site representatives of the new one around the results and first implementation steps of the projects awarded during the last session.
Next Inter-Sessions Forum –presenting the Europan 18 results and the sites proposed for Europan 19– should be organized in end of October 2026.
A 550€ compensation (all taxes included) is granted by the National Secretaries to each winning team (winners and runner-up) participating to the Forum to cover the journey and accommodation expenses.

6.2. Publications

The competition results can be the opportunity for publications in every organizing or associate country.
The European secretariat publishes a catalogue with the European results along with expert analyses.

6.3. Websites

At the European level, the European website allows participants to find information on all the sites, to register to the competition, to submit their projects and to know all the results of the current session on the European level.
At the national and European level, websites promote the current session, future events and archives (previous sessions, team portraits, etc.).


7.1. Ownership

All material (images, texts, videos…) submitted to the organizers becomes their property, including reproduction rights. The intellectual property rights remain the exclusive property of their author(s).

7.2. Exhibition and Publication Rights 

Moratorium on Publication
Teams may not publish the documents submitted to the competition or disclose their names by using their project for any communication (social media, website...) before the official announcement of the results. Any such publication may result in the disqualification of the team.

The organisers reserve the right to publish all the projects submitted to them after the official announcement of results. Projects are exhibited or published under the names of their authors.

7.3. Disputes

The Council of the Europan European Association, which is empowered to arbitrate, shall hear any dispute.
In the event of jurisdiction, this will take place in the respective country.


The Contact section of the European website shows the detailed national competition conditions country by country (number of sites and prizes, conditions and rules for implementation, etc.) as well as the details of the national and European structures, with the names of the people working for them.
The Jury section of the European website lists the members of the national juries.


1. Jury Procedures

1.1. Projects' analysis
1.2. Juries

1.2.1 Composition
1.2.2 Working Method and Evaluation Criteria
1.2.3 Disclosure of Names
1.2.4 Results Announcement

1.3. European Comparative Analysis

1.3.1. European Comparative Analysis Committee
1.3.2. Forum of Cities and Juries

2. Implementations

2.1. Activities to Promote Implementations
2.2. Websites
2.3. Implementation Books and Booklets




1.1. Projects' analysis

In each country, the members of the jury or a specific technical commission examine all the projects submitted in the country to prepare the work for the jury. If it is a commission different from the jury, it has no decision-making role on the judgment.

1.2. Juries

1.2.1. Composition

Each country sets up a jury, whose members are appointed by the national structure and approved by the European Europan Association.
The jury considers all the projects that comply with the competition rules. Its judgement is final. In the event of non-compliance with the rules, it has discretion whether or not to disqualify the entrant.
According to the country, the jury consists of 7 (or 9) independent members with no relation to a site proposed to the competition and is constituted as follows:

- 2 representatives of the public or private order;
- 4 (or 6 in case of a 9-member jury) representatives of the architectural and urban design (architects, landscapers, urban planners), among which at least 2 architects;
- 1 public figure.

At least 2 out of the 7 members must be foreigners –at least 3 in the case of a 9-member jury. The national structure also appoints at least 2 substitute jury members, representatives of the architectural and urban design. The jury members are identified when the competition is launched and their names are listed for each country on the Jurys section of the European website.

In a country with only 1 or 2 sites in the competition, the jury may consist of only 5 members, independent and not linked to a city participating in the competition: 1 representative of the public or private order, 3 representatives of the design, 1 personality. It must include at least one foreign member.

Jury members may consult city and site representatives, and involve them in the pre-selection with the jury, but these representatives do not have the right to a final vote under any circumstances.

1.2.2. Working Methods and Evaluation Criteria

National juries take place in the country of the sites on which the evaluated projects were designed. The second jury's meeting can take place in the city of the Forum of Cities and Juries, the day following the forum.
The jury’s decisions are final in compliance with the Europan rules. Before beginning to work the jury receives recommendations from the European Association.
The jury meets in 2 separate sessions at different times:

First round – At the beginning of this session, the jury appoints one of its members as chairman and agrees on its working method. Sites representatives can be integrated to this jury level and, in some countries, may participate to the selection of the shortlisted projects.
The jury then studies the projects that do not comply with the rules and decide whether or not to disqualify them.
It later on assesses the projects on their conceptual content and the degree of innovation according to the Europan 18 topic and shortlists around 25% maximum of the submitted projects or at least 3.

Second round – During the second round, the jury examines –on its own and independently– the shortlisted projects and points out the winners, runners-up and special mentions. The jury could assess the projects on basis of:
- The relevance of the answers given by the project to the questions raised by the theme “Re-Sourcing”;
- The ability of the project to connect territory scale (urban, suburban, rural…) to proximity scale of the places, by crossing landscape, urban and architecture;
- The relationship between the ideas of the project and the site’s context;
- The care with which natural local resources, climatic changes and risks and inhabited milieu are taken into account;
- the relevance of the program proposed on the mixity, inclusivity and evolutions of uses, in regard to the brief demands;
- The potentiality of integration into a complex urban process including actors;
The jury finally writes a report giving the reasons for the choice made in relation to the requirements of the competition and the concerned sites.

Each country's budget includes the equivalent of a Winner’s and a Runner-Up’s prize per site. Still, each entry is judged on its sole merits. The jury can therefore distribute prizes among entries up to its will or decide not to award all the prizes. In this case, the reasons shall be made public.
If disqualified after validation of participation a prize-winning project may be replaced by another project if the quality is satisfactory

1.2.3. Disclosure of Names

The projects assessed by the experts and juries are anonymous.
Once the decision of results is taken, the jury reveals the names of the winners, runners-up and special mentions. This operation is done through the European database, which automatically links the codes of the projects and composition of teams.

1.2.4. Results Announcement

After disclosure of the names of the winning teams and following any adjustments to rankings that may prove necessary, the national secretariats ratify the decisions and disclose the names of all the participants.
The European secretariat publishes the complete list of results online on November 17th, 2025.

1.3. European Comparative Analysis

1.3.1. European Comparative Analysis Committee

Between the two jury meetings the members of the European Scientific Committee meet to familiarize with the anonymous projects shortlisted by the different national juries. They compare the projects and classify them by theme on basis of the problems raised by the site categories and the proposed ideas. Under no circumstances does the European comparative analysis committee express a judgement – it simply classifies the projects from a purely thematic and comparative perspective.

1.3.2. Forum of Cities and juries

Between the two national jury sessions a Forum gathers the national juries and site representatives to discuss the conclusions of the European comparative analysis committee. It aims at ensuring that the different experts participating in the evaluation process share a common culture. Projects remain anonymous throughout the procedures and are only identified by their anonymity code.


2.1. Activities to Promote Implementations

The European Association and the national structures undertake to do what is required to encourage cities and/or developers that have provided sites for the competition to engage the prize-winning teams for the operational phase.
In this context, the national structures undertake to initiate an intermediate phase after the competition with the prize-winning teams and the site stakeholders where the possibilities of operational follow-ups will be explored, based on the winning ideas. This intermediate phase can take different forms.
The operational follow-up consists of a series of events or stages: workshops, preliminary studies, urban studies, operational studies, construction and within a contractual agreement. They can involve one or several teams among the winning teams (winners, runners-up, special mentions). If necessary, they may be implemented on another site than the competition site as long as the ideas of the prize-winning projects are maintained.
The prize-winning teams must comply with the professional rules that apply in the country where they are engaged to work. After the competition, the prize-winning teams must appoint one of their architect members as a representative, who is the sole spokesperson for the team with the municipalities and/or developers.
A summary of the countries’ legislations on the rules of professional practice is available in the Contact section of the European website (Complete Card).

2.2. Websites

The Europan national structures present the implementations at the national level.
The European secretariat presents completed or ongoing implementation processes on the European website (Projects-Processes section).

2.3. Implementation Books and Booklets

The European secretariat coordinates European publications on implementations, showing winning and runner-up projects from previous sessions that were implemented or are still in progress.


1. Definition

2. Objectives

3. Europan Organizers and Associates

3.1. Organizers
3.2. Cities and Urban Developers, Contracting Authorities

4. List of the Europan 18 Structures

5. List of the 47 Europan 18 Sites

6. Europan 18, Charter of the 12 Participating Countries




Europan is a European federation of national organizations, which runs architectural competitions leading to building or design projects, launched simultaneously by several countries on a given theme and with common objectives. The present rules apply to all the competitions in the Europan session.


In a spirit of open dialogue and cooperation within a broader Europe, Europan aims at generating greater understanding of and reflection on housing and urban planning issues and at promoting exchanges on this subject among the different European countries.
The goal of Europan is to help:

- Europe’s young architecture, urban and landscape design professionals develop and promote their ideas in Europe and further afield;
- European cities and developers proposing sites to find innovative architectural, landscape and urban solutions to the problems they face.

The function of Europan in participating countries is therefore to promote urban studies and experimental projects in the urban-landscape-architectural field and to encourage the implementation of innovative urban processes.


3.1. Organizers

National Organizing Structures

In each country, the competition is organized by a national structure made up of authorities, municipalities, public and private developers, architects, landscapers, urban planners and the organizations which represent them, and cultural figures.
This national structure has the legal status of a non-profit association. Its role is to oversee its national competition and to promote the ideas of the prize-winning architects with a view to their practical implementation.
Each national structure has a national secretariat.

Organizing Countries

The national structure of each organizing country that signed the Charter undertakes to organize an architectural competition on a theme, rules and calendar common to the organizing countries.

Associate Countries

The national structures of a newly created country -or recreated after a period of absence- is a signatory to the Charter and undertake to propose at least one site. They enter into a partnership with one organizing country or with different associate countries for the judging process and participate in the competition on a theme, rules and calendar common to the organizing countries.
This status is transitional while waiting to be able to become an organizing country.

Europan Association

European Europan Association acts as a unifying structure for the different national structures.
Its General Assembly is made up of 4 representatives from each national structure of the organizing countries, representatives of the associate countries, and honorary members.
Its Council is made up of one representative from each organizing country.
Scientific Council of European experts is responsible for formulating proposals on the themes, conducting a comparative analysis of the sites and results, moderating the Forum debates and contributing to strategic ideas on urban development in European towns and cities.
The Association has a General Secretariat, which organizes the work of the Association and coordinates the activities of the national secretariats, the Council and the General Assembly. The European secretariat, in consultation with the national secretariats, is responsible for organizing European events and competitions. It ensures compliance with procedures.
The President of the Association is Manuel BLanco Lage, Spanish architect, Director of the architecture school of Madrid ETSAM and exhibitions' curator.

3.2. Cities and Urban Developers, Contracting Authorities

Europan’s theme involves a relationship and close cooperation with cities, urban developers and European stakeholders in the organizing countries. These cities, developers and contracting authorities are approached by each national structure to propose urban sites that meet the Europan competition requirements.
For these Europan partners, the collaboration provides an opportunity to use the prize-winning projects and the ensuing debate as a basis for an open reflection that is essential to the future development of their sites. It also permits them to enlist the services of the prize-winning teams, whatever their nationality, in the planning and implementation of the urban and/or architectural studies and projects that they require.


Details of the national and European structures and the names of the people involved in each country are available on the European website.


The list of the sites proposed to the Europan 18 competition is available on the European website (Sites section).
The sites are: Amersfoort-Amicitia, Amersfoort-Flint, Amersfoort-Koppelbrug, Amersfoort-Kop van Isselt, Amersfoort-Otto Scheltus, Amersfoort-Stadhuisplein, Barcelona-La Font del Gos, Barcelona-La Verneda, Blagnac, Bregenz-Hard-Fußach-Höchst, Brignoles, Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Dambéni, Eslöv, Felanitx-Es Sindicat, Fumel, Genève, Getafe, Grand Nancy, Jullouville, Karlstad, La Nive, Lahti, Lisboa, Luzern, Madrid, Malmö, Mantes-la-Jolie, Miramas, Nailloux, Navalmoral de la Mata, Nome, Oviedo, Polignano a mare, Regensburg, Riez, Roa, Romainville, Santa-Pola, Speichersdorf, St. Gallen, Trondheim, Turku, Uppsala, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Zagreb.


We, as representatives of the national Europan structures for Austria, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland, signatories of this Charter, undertake to take part in Europan 18.

In the design of spaces, we take into account the new challenges linked to ecological and scietal changes, the integration of a new paradigm of the cities and sustainable territories, and the qualitative changes that it brings about with adaptation to the climate, the introduction of a circular economy of resources, the insertion of non-carbon mobility and the hybridization of buildings with natural elements and spaces.
We believe that architecture, landscape and urban design play a major role in the evolution of urban and landscape areas , of the public and shared spaces of the city, of social relations and the living conditions of 21st-century inhabitants, and contribute in a fundamental way to the cultural life and urban identity of Europe.
We always continue to endorse the initial objective of Europan to give shape to the concept of a Europe in which young people can make an innovative contribution to architecture, urban design and landscape, by organizing a federation of European countries around competitions of architectural, landscape and urban projects and professional discussions in these spheres of design.

For these reasons:

- We hereby establish scientific, professional and cultural exchanges. The purpose of these exchanges is to facilitate better communication of that which the towns, cities and countries of Europe have in common, so that they can each benefit from the other’s experiences, while maintaining their national, regional and local characteristics;
- We offer young European professionals of architectural, landscape and urban design the opportunity to express new ideas in their projects and thereby to contribute to the development and renewal of Europe's cities and inhabited territories, and we assist them to implement operations that put these ideas into practice;
- In our undertakings, we work in partnership with European cities that propose sites related to the general theme of the session and that are looking for adapted responses to climate change, the need to save resources and changes in lifestyles;
- We wish to extend the scope of Europan’s ideas beyond the organizing countries, and encourage and invite other European countries and cities, which are not yet able to organize a competition, to join our organization in an associate capacity;
- We hereby decide to start a eighteenth session of Europan on the theme of: “Re-sourcing” (see the brochure on the theme).

In accordance with these objectives, and in order to ensure their fulfilment, we undertake:

- to guarantee the quality and autonomy of decision of our associative organization on a national and European scale, of the teams and the resources of the executive secretariats, in order to ensure that the competitions and events are properly conducted, in keeping with the rules, decisions and actions of the Council;
- to guarantee the organizing countries the financial stability of the European organization by paying the subscriptions in the amounts agreed and on the due dates;
- to guarantee that the sites proposed for the competitions comply with the common rules (compliance with the general theme, official undertakings, potential for implementation, quality of information and of documents provided);
- to guarantee that competition documents are translated into the agreed languages;
- to guarantee publicity for the competition among the young professionals concerned and promotion of the prize-winning projects at the national and European levels thourgh events, exhibitions and the publication of catalogues;
- to guarantee the quality and status of jury members in relation to the theme and its issues and the proper conditions for the working of the juries according to the competition rules;
- to guarantee cities and developers, contracting authorities, that the ideas, designs and implementations of prize-winning projects take into account the requirements of the sites;
- to guarantee payment of the prizes within the established timeframes
- to guarantee support and assistance for prize-winners, irrespective of their nationality, so that they are engaged in an implementation and/or design process based on the ideas contained in their projects.

1. Europan is open to young professionals of the architectural, landscape and urban design under 40 years of age and with a European degree or working in Europe, but also to students in the same disciplines, having a bachelor's degree, in a team with a qualified architect. Each team must include at least one graduated architect except on sites where it is notified (See the synthetic file of each site: "Team composition").

2. Europan is a call for projects of ideas at the urban, landscape and architectural scale, followed by implementations.

3. Europan is a European federation of associative and national structures organising the competitions, launched simultaneously with common objectives and on a common theme: Re-sourcing.

4. Rules, calendar and judging methods are identical in all the participating countries. The competitions are open, public, European and anonymous. Competitors can register freely in the participating country of their choice.

5. A series of sites (urban or peri-urban) in European cities, accompanied with a brief and a complete file, is proposed to competitors. They choose from these sites the one(s) on which they want to submit their projects – if there is more than one site, those have to be located in different countries (or different jury in case of a common jury for an associated country).

6. Each project must have two types of entry: the first one is a strategic reflection project responding to the session theme and the social/ecological challenges, and on the territorial scale of the site; the other one is a project designed on a defined area of the site. Submission is strictly done through the European website. It includes 3 A1 panels, 3 images and a short text for the communication of the project, as well as a text of maximum 4 pages focusing on project ideas and processes.

7. In each country a specific jury of experts preselects the most innovating projects per site. The Europan Scientific Committee then compares and analyses these projects on a European level, fuelling the debate between the sites’ representatives and the jury members during the Cities and Juries Forum. The juries then meet a second time, country by country, to make the final decision of the winning teams.

8. Finally, each jury that designates –for each country– winners and runners-up, that are to receive a prize. Some non-rewarded projects may receive a special mention.

9. The Europan organisers then help the prize-winning teams to obtain commissions to be implemented. After the announcement of the results, meetings and workshops are organised on each site with the city representatives, members of the juries and the winning teams.

10. Prize-winning projects are exhibited and published on a national level. The results are promoted on the European scale (catalogue, team portraits on European website) and an Inter-Sessions Forum is organized at the European level to discuss the results with the winning teams, the sites representatives, the juries and the organisers.

Questions on rules

Ask your questions on the rules here

Questions on rules

You have to be connected –and therefore registered– to be able to ask a question.

Fr. 16 May 2025
Deadline for submitting questions

Fr. 30 May 2025
Deadline for answers

Before submitting a question, make sure it does not already appear in the FAQ.

Please ask questions on rules in the Rules section.

If your question does not receive any answer in 10 days, check the FAQ to make sure the answer does not appear under another label or email the secretariat concerned by the question (national secretariat for the sites, European secretariat for the rules).

Europan notebooks

Every 3 months find out more information and articles about what is happening in Europan.*

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes