Amersfoort-Amicitia (NL)

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Amersfoot-Amicitia (NL)

Scales L/S

Team composition Architect non mandatory
Location Amicitia, Amersfoort
Population 160,000 inhabitants / 285,000 inhabitants Metro
Reflection site 3,15 ha - Project site 0,83 ha

Site proposed by Municipality Amersfoort
Actors involved Municipality Amersfoort
Owner(s) of the site Municipality Amersfoort, Owners of Amicitia

Commission after competition The Municipality of Amersfoort, in partnership with the owner of Amicitia, is committed to re-imagining the potential of the site. Currently, the building is underutilized, and the owner is keen to advance the concepts and typologies developed through the competition into a viable and profitable project, with the aim of realizing it. The owner also envisions the possibility of commissioning further design studies, either for the Amicitia site or for other locations facing similar urban challenges, to explore opportunities for thoughtful urban development.

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Amersfoort, in collaboration with the owner of Amicitia, is committed to revitalize and restore the urban fabric. This initiative aligns with the city’s vision of a cohesive inner-city experience through context-sensitive architectural design and integrated and connected green spaces. Amicitia offers a unique chance to redefine urban living through an iconic housing project that serves as a gateway to Amersfoort’s historic city centre. Project should creates a vibrant building by combining housing with commercial and/or semi-cultural spaces at the ground floor, fostering social interaction and community cohesion. The proposal should integrate sustainable urban renewal with economic feasibility and historical preservation, fostering and contributing to the overall liveability of Amersfoort’s city centre.


Restore the urban fabric
The City of Amersfoort seeks to restore the urban fabric of the Amicitia building, transforming it from an underutilized space into a vibrant urban location. Create a design that aligns with the urban fabric and the small-scale nature of the city centre. Develop a vibrant street-scape where all sides of the building integrate seamlessly with their surroundings also in height (hoogbouwvisie), avoiding closed facades and fostering inviting, lively, and active functions. The new proposal should allow for physical accessibility and may be organized into distinct buildings volumes while offering diversity of functions.

Connection to the park and the green urban ring
Aligned with Amersfoort’s goal to enhance urban liveability, the city plans to reduce car traffic and prioritize green spaces. Develop a design that emphasizes and strengthens the connection to the surrounding greenery as part of the Plantsoen Oost. Create a recognizable landmark along the Stadsring that enhances the entrance to the city centre while maintaining its own identity, fostering a greener, more connected city centre. The design should contribute to the city’s appearance and attractiveness. The location must become an integral part of the of the historical urban fabric, not only visually but also functionally.

Architectural Integration and expression
The architectural design should integrate seamlessly with the surrounding urban context while serving as a prominent, welcoming landmark at the gateway to the historic city centre. Develop a program that complements the city centre’s offerings. The design should accommodate economically viable functions, addressing housing demand. Also consider integrating hospitality, culture, social facilities, or other value-adding uses, with retail as a secondary option.
The housing program, currently comprising 26 to 28 rental units. The new program envisions a volume consisting of ±12,000-15,000m2, pushing the spatial limits of what is permissible within the urban context. This ambitious scale requires a thoughtful programmatic interpretation, ensuring a balance between innovative spatial design and a feasible business case to sustain its development.

Reactivating the Inner Courtyard
The inner courtyard has desolate atmosphere. Design teams should propose strategies to reintegrate the courtyard with surrounding spaces, transforming it into a vibrant communal area that promotes social interaction and a sense of belonging.

Historical context and appearance
The design may feature an iconic design for a strong connection between the city centre and the green ring. Retaining the historical facade or the building is desirable but not mandatory; however, any proposed demolition must be substantiated with clear justification and reasoning.

Questions on the site

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This site is connected to the following theme

Re-sourcing from social dynamic
Creating New Urban Relationships

A missing layer of urbanity is added on a territory with underlying complexities. In all these large sites, the question is how inhabit them, how to relate to them, how to add a human ecosystem while negotiating the pros and cons of the existing complexity. It may be to reconsider an urban interrupted development, to care wounds left or created by old or new infrastructures; to regenerate sub-standard housing or the damage left behind a brownfield, to reconsider a river or former agricultural fields.

Questions on the site

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Fr. 16 May 2025
Deadline for submitting questions

Fr. 30 May 2025
Deadline for answers

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