Regensburg (DE)

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Regensburg (DE)

Scales L/L

Team composition Architect mandatory
Location Regensburg, Bavaria
Population 170,000 inhabitants

Reflection site 425 ha - Project site 107 ha

Site proposed by Regensburg municipality
Actors involved Regensburg municipality, private partners
Owner(s) of the site Regensburg, private owners

Commission after competition Workshops will be held to discuss and possibly refine the results.The city of Regensburg plans the following steps after presenting the competition results: Specification of the urban-development framework planning; Optionally, beginning at the same time with work on the detailed planning of the first construction section around the mobility point; Transfer of the results for the first construction section to urban land-use planning as well as structural implementation. Depending on the results, commissioning of the selected team is desired, but subject to political and council approval.

More Information


For Regensburg, the aim is to develop a mixed- use, low-traffic district that is as climate-neutral as possible. In doing so, it is important to take balanced density, minimal land sealing, and climate resilience into account.
The 107-hectare-large project site in the north of Regensburg represents one of the last large space reserves for the further development of the city and is situated between a commercial area and the existing settlement area.
The new city district is supposed to close the spatial gap and provide affordable living space for at least 5,000 residents. The aim is a city of fifteen minutes: Besides living space with multifaceted, contemporary forms of housing and building typologies, workplaces, commercial premises, and social infrastructures as well as areas for sports and recreation should be created.
Regensburg, with its roughly 170,000 residents is located in the Free State of Bavaria; in the middle of the landscape of the Danube plain with its river valleys and rolling hills.
What is sought is an urban-development and landscape-planning approach to a solution distin- guished by a future-oriented handling of the high value of unsealed land.This includes careful land usage as well as the integration and transformation of surrounding areas of the city and existing structures as available space resources.
A new sealing of land raises the question of appropriate urban-development density and its distribution.
The expansion of the city is supposed to occur in several development phases – temporally and spatially sensible construction sections should be proposed for this.Work should begin with the detail area 1 at the new railway stop.


How can an identity-forming, low-traffic city district be created in the sense of a city of fifteen
minutes with a combination of housing, work, and commerce and social infrastructures as well as areas for sports and recreation, and simultaneously distinguished by a future-oriented handling of the value of unsealed land?
In the context of the question of re-sourcing, what is a suitable urban-development and landscape-planning approach to a solution for this task?
How can closing the gap in the urban fabric be designed in harmony with natural processes?
What architectural forms of expression, building methods, and building typologies are oriented towards the future?

Aerial photograph: Stadtverwaltung Regensburg, Amt für Stadtentwicklung; Photo: Hansa Luftbild AG, © Urheber
Other photos: Stadtverwaltung Regensburg; Stefan Effenhauser and Johannes Sporrer

Questions on the site

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This site is connected to the following theme

Re-sourcing from natural elements
Reactivating Soils

In this family of sites, the potential of soils could guide the evolution of a site in a process of space’s regeneration, intensification or addition.  The biological dimension of available land could trigger new ecological and social relations, and interactions between organisms for a mutual benefit. From the horizon to the scale of the microorganism: which is the capacity of soils to infiltrate biodiversity provide ecosystem services and give continuity to the territory?

Questions on the site

You have to be connected –and therefore registered– to be able to ask a question.

Fr. 16 May 2025
Deadline for submitting questions

Fr. 30 May 2025
Deadline for answers

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes