Elevated village

Timo Heise (D)
Christian Dirumdam (D)
Björn Rolle (D)
Henning Fritsch (D)
Matthias Mumm (D)

Europan 9 Rostock

The main concept is to conjunct a highly flexible structure of living space with a big area of green in a natural state, which is accessible for everyone. Public and private utilisations are related and generate a mutual urban space, offering lots of opportunities, reaping the benefits of the area and giving it a new conciseness.

A compact self-contained texture of blocks as the main structural element combines urban density and the suburban typology of single houses. Wooden decks and footbridges all over the site connect the area with the old city of Rostock. The new elements are forming a subtle distinction to the grassland around, like layered over natural ground.

Site informations


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This project is connected to the following themes

Shared spaces - Link - promenade

By introducing a compact, village-type structure, the project proposes to form a network of local spaces and pathways that foster sociability.

Housing - Typology

The establishment of a variety of typologies implemented all along the banks offers a way of living divided between courtyards, shared pathways and private terraces.