E17 Sites that deserves your attention: Ingolstadt (DE)

Ingolstadt (DE)

See the map of the different sites here

Location Ingolstadt, Audi-Ring
Scale S/L
Site Family Let the birds sing! / Reimagining public space as a biodiverse landscape

Commission after competition It is planned to conduct further studies in a next step. Depending on the results of the competition, the involvement of the winning teams is desirable.

Inhabited milieu's challenges
Sustainable Infrastructure: Ingolstadt is seeking answers to how existing grey infrastructure can be sustainably transformed into a new urban district. The city of Ingolstadt is located in the southeast of Germany and is the second largest city in Upper Bavaria after Munich. The competition task is to develop forward-looking ideas for the redesign of the current Audi Ring roundabout and its surroundings. The intention is to transform the traffic junction, into a lively and mixed urban space.