
Julio De La Fuente (E)
Natalia Gutierrez Sanchez (E)

Europan 9 Ama


Between the “Orbayu” and the “Hulla” (“Orbayu”: Asturias word for fog,  “Hulla” type of carbon from Asturias mines).

This works resolves the location AMA proposing a system to create a net of 30 wells, extrapolating first the determining factors and usual solutions to all locations and rehearsing the sytem on a particular well.

The system starts on a territorial scale, defining the virtual net, providing it with the program, granting it with a morphology and a way to adapt to limits. Then, the system must be provided with an identity of its own, and this is achieved by a land-art operation and a materiality that is sensitive to the coalfield, its history, its climate.

Site informations


Synthetic site file DE | EN

This project is connected to the following themes

Housing - Morphology

The distinctive morphology of the housing proposed in the project maintains a subtle interplay between classic apartment typologies, connection with the coalmining area and a desire to virtualise the verticality of the structure.

Nature - Proximity / Horizon

The project proposes a multiscale intervention that is both physical and programmatic: the method of urbanisation constitutes a local response that resonates with mining sites with similar challenges.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes