Green density

Torsten BESSEL (DE)

Europan 7 Illion


The main aim of the project is to connect both functionally and symbolically the two separate areas and transform them into a local coherent urban system.
“Green corridors” guarantee the continuity of the urban fabric and “ecosystem”.
The green stripes break up into green clusters, which assume the geometry of the surrounding system of housing blocks. The clusters take the form either of green areas either of housing blocks with integrated private gardens and an external green skin.
Different house types are intertwined inside the housing blocks as in a puzzle. The public and private spheres and the different housing units are clearly differentiated.
Social life takes place in the low circulation streets, public square and green area networks thus intensifying the urban atmosphere.
The use of both green and built space aims at the densification and intensification of the urban ambience and experience.

Site informations


Synthetic site file EN

This project is connected to the following themes

Housing - Typology

A kasbah-like development interweaves private gardens and communal spaces with a variety of housing types, like a three-dimensional puzzle.

Shared spaces - A Frame for social life

Social life takes place in low-traffic public squares and green networks. A degree of density is introduced into the blocks to generate a high level of social intensity.

Nature - Proximity / Horizon

At the architectural scale, the micro-gardens are intertwined with the building envelope, creating an overall unity across the whole block. At neighbourhood scale, this unity is reinforced by the extension of the wooded areas on either side of the road.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes