Harvest 4.0
Workshop Badajoz (ES) - Workshop Site 3
Tomas Assved Hjort (NO), Kari Tønseth (NO),Winner in Bergen (NO) with "Our City, Our Collective"
Jonathan Cacchia (FR), Runner-up in Marne-la-Vallée (FR) with "La Déprise"
Gloria Castellini (IT), Winner in Trondheim (NO) with "The False Mirror"
Carlos Zarco (ES), Zuhal Kol (TR), Winner in Zagreb (HR) with "Swap on the River" & Runner-up in Streefkerk (NL) with "Protodike"
Joana Tril (ES), Runner-up in Irún (ES) with "Ura Eta Natura"
Francesca Oggiano (IT) Winner in St-Pölten (AT) with "Ju(mp) in the Water Kiss That Frog" & Runner-up in Azenha do Mar (PT) with "Second Lines"
Coach: Jens Metz (DE)
How Can Urban Rhythms Be a Motor for Urban Reappropriation?
“How Can Urban Rhythms Be A Motor For Reappropriation” was the question for Valencia de Alcántara, a rural town of roughly 6,000 inhabitants, 80 km West of Cáceres and North of Badajoz. The spatial opportunities were very clear, as the Junta de Extremadura asked for inspiring concepts for the city as a whole and especially for a number of vacant or largely underused buildings in the centre – a former slaughter house, a cultural centre, a foundation buildings almost in ruins, and the fortress that overlooks the town.
The rhythms were to be found in the imbrications of scales, from the architectural to the urban and regional, against the backdrop of elsewhere also well-known problems, such as a declining economy, the rural exodus, the demographic change and the question of the future of agriculture. The teams tried to engage dynamic interactions between the conceptual approach, the local situation and the different actors & stakeholders, and to transpose them in a storyboard, from macro to micro scale, and vice versa.
Harvest 4.0
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“Harvest 4.0” takes Valencia de Alcántara as a case study for a shrinking town in a rural environment. A new economic system, based on an alternative food production, takes the existing space resources to develop a toolkit for activation. The authors imagine new forms of production as a superimposition of additional layers on the existing, resulting in a sort of hybrid agricultural landscape, linking the topic of food with other economic or cultural activities. There is also an attempt to investigate in a specific local potential, mixing cutting edge technology and a rural environment: drones could for example help to harvest the cork to be used to develop innovative materials.
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Turning the existing landscape into productive landscape
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