
Vincenzo RISO (IT)

Europan 7 Vila do Conde


In front of a low hill a landscape strategy has been laid down by excavating into the ground some holes, to give shape to an open public space around which root the building to guest in facilities and housing. This process found its synthetic expression in the built form of artificial slopes and terraces, which constitute at the same time a building and an earthwork, that is the researched combination of nature and artifice affirmed in the territorial scale.
So according to such principles of tectonic landscape the whole plan, including the major scale infrastructures, has been organized through a juxtaposition of elements, thought both as a building and as a  topography.

Site informations

Vila do Conde

Synthetic site file EN

This project is connected to the following themes

Mobility - Interface

A “tectonic landscape” merges building and infrastructure, providing lines of connective interior zones distributed with communal amenities.

Housing - Community

The type of the housing units reinforces the idea of the total development as an “earthwork” – cubic sculptures float above the excavated landscape. 

Nature - Topography / ground

Inhabited platforms arranged on a hill, using different topographical approaches that combine natural and artificial terrain.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes