Next stop Malley Centers
VAN DE WERF Kathleen (BE)
Sofie TROCH (BE)
Europan 7 Lausanne – Renens - Prilly
By introducing a new urban morphology, the project brings together the present fluxes to form a dense and interactive network which is to operate at an urban scale. The focus of the proposal centres on the development of two new linear urban morphologies. The STRIP is conceived as a plane where clusters of different programs interact and form a field of interaction.
The SPINE acts as a dispersion axe serving the STRIP that attracts new small-scale events. The proposal no longer perceives the site as a ‘satellite of a core-city’ but as a ‘core in the network-city’. Not integration, but connecting, linking is the most important goal.

Site informations
Lausanne – Renens - Prilly
Synthetic site file EN
This project is connected to the following themes
Mobility - Interface
By intertwining programmes with movement, the existing “peripheral” elements contribute to an interactive field, creating a new core area based on the idea of the networked city.
Shared spaces - Link - promenade
Traffic flows on the site are modified by a sequence of new public spaces distributed in vertical layers along a spinal structure.
Nature - Topography / ground
The buildings are located on a platform, an artificial topography overlaid onto the site