The city as a living organism
Competition team
Charlélie Michel (FR) Architect - urbanist
Gaetan Amossé (FR) Artist
Soukaina Laabida (MA) Architect
Europan 16 Biel/Bienne (CH)
Team point of view
A living organism is made up of a skeleton, vital functions and a belonging to a milieu, from which it draws the resources necessary for its life. The project aims to consider the Geyisried neighbourhood as a living organism. By observing the neighbourhood and the territory, simple interventions complete its pre-existing skeleton. The boulevard as a backbone, the Place d'Orpond as the head and the business park as the tail are completed by an exoskeleton: the Geyisried ring is a new soft mobility path, accessible to all. It connects the structuring green spaces and its public facilities. The skeleton reorganises the five vital functions of the neighbourhood: to resource, to create and innovate, to socialise, to make together and to transmit. Now there is room for every generation in Geyisried!
Jury Point of View
The project proposal starts with a large-scale analysis of the territory and the depth of the fabric. The district is perceived as an element of a larger whole. The proposal brings together the existing elements, linking them through a circular path running across the neighbourhood, thus creating both an internal connection and a connection with the surrounding fabric. It conveys the sense of a circular dynamic with the potential to counterbalance the linearity of the road. the project respects the character of the existing neighbourhood, while offering a phased programme of renewal and refurbishment.