E14/E15 Inter-Sessions Forum


Accommodation for the Winning Teams during the Workshop

Europan will provide the participants of the workshop with 4 nights in Brussels (as well as lunches). 

The participants to the Workshop will be hosted in Brussels Meininger Hotel.
54 double rooms (that can be used as double or single rooms) and 15 single rooms are available.
Participants will have a room but they will have to try favouring double room, shared either by 2 members of the team or by a couple.

Please note that Europan only provides rooms for the Workshop. 

It is possible to book an additional 3 nights for the Forum upon registration. The rates are €69 (single) – €40,50 (double)  per night per person, with breakfast.

Please note that Europan has managed to prebook rooms for these 3 nights, have a look at the rates mentioned above.
Please contact the hotel on welcome@meininger-hotels.com
and use the booking code Europan Inter-Sessions Forum or by phone on +32 (0)25 881 474.



Accommodation for the Forum participants

E14 Winning Teams, Site Representatives & Organisers

Please fin hereafter a list of hotels in Brussels :

  • NH Hotel Berlaymont****
    30 double rooms are blocked for the participants to the Forum, for €149 per room (single occupation) with breakfast. The price includes VAT. Offer available until October 2018.
    To book a room, please clink on the link here 
  • NH Hotel Brussels Centre****
    30 double rooms are blocked for the participants to the Forum, for €162 per room (single occupation) with breakfast. The price includes VAT. Offer available until October 2018.
    To book a room, please clink on the link here  
  • NH Hotel Grand Place Arenberg****
    30 double rooms are blocked for the participants to the Forum, for €120 per room (single occupation) with breakfast. The price includes VAT. Offer available until October 2018.
    To book a room, please clink on the link here  
  • NH Hotel Louise****
    30 double rooms are blocked for the participants to the Forum, for €130 per room (single occupation) with breakfast. The price includes VAT. Offer available until October 2018.
    To book a room, please clink on the link here 
  • Aqua Hotel***
    20 single rooms are blocked for the participants to the Forum, for €112 per room (single occupation) with breakfast. The price includes VAT. Rooms available until Sept. 17 2018, they will not be guaranteed past that date.
    To book a room, you will have to fill in a booking form, add you banking references and forward it to info@aqua-hotel.be or call +32 22 13 01 01 and mention you participate to the Europan Forum.
  • Opera Hotel**
    9 single rooms and 12 doubles rooms are blocked for the participants to the Forum, for €88 and €111 per room (single occupation) with breakfast. The price includes VAT. Offer available until end of September - October 2018.
    To book a room, you will have to send an email to reception@hotel-opera.be or call +32 2 219 43 43 and mention that you  are participating to Europan Inter-Sessions Forum.

It is also possible to rent flats or rooms on Airbnb.


Europan notebooks

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes