Eslöv (SE)

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Eslöv (SE)

Scales XL/L

Team composition Architect non mandatory
Location Eslöv, Skåne
Population 20 488 inhabitants

Reflection site 1 380 000 kvm - Project site 163 000 kvm

Site proposed by Eslöv municipality
Actors involved Eslöv municipality
Owner(s) of the site Eslöv municipality

Commission after competition The prize winning team(s) will continue to work with the competition assignment in a workshop with the municipality, with an possible option for further work towards an implementation of the proposal, including workshops, various planning documents, illustrations, drawings and citizen dialogues.

More Information


Eslöv has its origins in the community that grew around the railway station on the Southern Main Line, inaugurated in 1858.A new town emerged around the railway station in just 50 years. In 1911, Eslöv was granted city rights, and shortly thereafter, the first city plan was developed by Erik Bülow-Hübe, one of Sweden’s leading urban planners at the time. Bülow-Hübe designed an ideal city with a grid city in the centre, west of the railway, featuring a traditional block structure, and a garden city on the outskirts.The industrial city was built on the eastern side.
The grid city expanded relatively quickly and was completed about 100 years ago, with industrial development characterising the eastern side. Green spaces and other qualities have given way to the industry’s need for large blocks, wide streets, and paved areas.The railway has divided the town into two parts: western Eslöv, primarily a place for housing and commerce, and eastern Eslöv, a diverse area with many businesses and a few scattered residential neighborhoods.
Despite the presence of housing, commerce, schools, and sports facilities in eastern Eslöv, it is the industries that have shaped and defined the area.
Bruksstaden is located centrally in eastern Eslöv, just a stone’s throw from the railway station. The project area is adjacent to Östergatan, one of Eslöv’s main entrance roads, which is set to become the backbone of eastern Eslöv. The large industrial blocks lined with long industrial streets also contain industrial train tracks that run through the area. Although the industrial tracks are largely a reminder of a bygone era, some are still in use.
The goal for the project area is to become a robust, inclusive, and sustainable district that promotes a sustainable lifestyle. Its central location offers an opportunity to better connect eastern and western Eslöv.
By integrating the principles of Re-Sourcing, Bruksstaden can evolve into a sustainable and innovative district that optimizes natural, social, and material resources. This transformation will improve residents’ quality of life and contribute to a more resilient and inclusive urban environment.


The competition task is to propose how an industrial area can be transformed into a vibrant district with approximately one thousand homes and several other functions. The area should become an integrated part of the city, connecting the western and eastern parts of Eslöv.
The municipality wants the competitors to draw inspiration from both the site’s conditions, with its industrial history, and from the development of the older town centre across the railway tracks, showing how this can be innovatively reflected in the urban planning.
How can the district be anchored in the place and in the story of the city of Eslöv?
The project area borders industries to the north. How should this meeting be designed?
A railway track runs through the project area serving industries. How should it be integrated into the future urban landscape?
How can the area be developed in a way that honours Eslöv’s history as an industrial town and reflects its relationship to the landscape?

Questions on the site

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This site is connected to the following theme

Re-sourcing from natural elements
Reactivating Soils

In this family of sites, the potential of soils could guide the evolution of a site in a process of space’s regeneration, intensification or addition.  The biological dimension of available land could trigger new ecological and social relations, and interactions between organisms for a mutual benefit. From the horizon to the scale of the microorganism: which is the capacity of soils to infiltrate biodiversity provide ecosystem services and give continuity to the territory?

Questions on the site

You have to be connected –and therefore registered– to be able to ask a question.

Fr. 16 May 2025
Deadline for submitting questions

Fr. 30 May 2025
Deadline for answers

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If your question does not receive any answer in 10 days, check the FAQ to make sure the answer does not appear under another label or email the secretariat concerned by the question (national secretariat for the sites, European secretariat for the rules).

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes