Wohnterrassen am Schillereck
Aschaffenburg (DE) - Lauréat
Représentant d’équipe : Guobin Shen (CN) – architecte
Associé: Kilian Juraschitz (DE) – architecte
Johannesstraße 11/1, 70176 Stuttgart (DE)
+49 711 66453020 – info@atelierkaisershen.com – atelierkaisershen.com
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G. Shen et K. Juraschitz
INTERVIEW en anglais
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1. How did you form the team for the competition?
We knew each other from the University of Stuttgart and work now together at the Office Atelier Kaiser Shen, which was founded by Florian Kaiser and Guobin Shen in 2017 and is located in Stuttgart.
2. How do you define the main issue of your project, and how did you answer on this session main topic: the place of productive activities within the city?
To us the main issue was to reconnect the city instead of creating barriers. The lower traffic volume will create the possibility to reconnect both sides of the street and to develop an urban structure on the northern side. Combining new production and business with residential uses into this area entails a great enhancement potential. Another important focus was put on the productivity of the city. After the traffic reduction more pedestrians are expected along the Schillerstraße. Therefore, the ground floor zone should be upgraded from pure to mixed-use residential units with a big commercial potential. Variety of space structure is suggested for new commercial uses and services to the converted street environment. Additional double-height spaces will also be provided to bring more productive activity back to the neighbourhood. The structure is characterized by its high ceilings and openness with less pillars for flexible use. The separate entrance for traffic will not disturb the quality of the square.
3. How did this issue and the questions raised by the site mutation meet?
The close location of the site in the inner city, its presence and the combination with the future traffic reduction should produce positive effects on the surroundings. It was also emphasized that The significant high-rise building is to be sustainably converted and reasonably supplemented to the new city area.
4. Have you treated this issue previously? What were the reference projects that inspired yours?
We have already experienced this topic during my work in the Urban Institute at the University of Stuttgart. There were numerous seminars and lectures focusing on productivity in the city. The projects of Bruther architects as well as the new generation research center in Caen inspired us a lot. The works of Jan Gehl and his attitude towards the pedestrian give us also new perspective.

5. Urban-architectural projects like the ones in Europan can only be implemented together with the actors through a negotiated process and in time. How did you consider this issue in your project?
That is why our interventions need to be cautious: The main building structure will be kept and cleared up. The staircase and elevator will remain in the former position, whereas the entrance to the flats will be removed. The walls, which are not part of the structure, could be removed easily to generate different sizes of flats. The variety of typologies generates flats from 2 to 5 rooms. The additional balconies will create more quality of sojourn for the inhabitants.
6. Is it the first time you have been awarded a prize at Europan? How could this help you in your professional career?
It is the first time we have participated in the competition and won an Europan prize. Besides the obvious and prestigious reputation in Europe, this success is an experience for our team and we are very proud of the idea of being part of the development process of Aschaffenburg.