Almendralejo (ES) - Mention Spéciale
Associés : Gonzalo Lopez Garrido (ES), Diana Cristobal Olave (ES), Tania Oramas Dorta (ES) – architectes
Collaborateurs : Hamza Hamdeh (US), Alfonso Simelio (ES) – architectes, Isabela Campillo Valencia (CO) – designer
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"Our project [SOCIAL SCAFFOLDING] seeks to define a Preservation Strategy for the existing housing buildings of El Marques that is capable of regenerating different scales (Domestic, Architectural and Urban) while reinterpreting and emphasizing the identity of the place. It starts with a detailed analysis of the architectural scale, to evaluate which elements of the existing built environment can be recycled and renovated, and which ones need to be replaced. Thus, the elements that have been classified as problematic must be replaced while the others, classified as identitarians, will be maintained and reinterpreted."