E16 Sites - Beizama (ES)
"Reinhabit Nature"
Voir la carte des différents sites ici
Localisation Beizama (Gipuzkoa)
Échelle S architectural
Famille de site Care - Réinventer la ruralité et le patrimoine productif
Phase post-concours Urban & architectural project + construction works
Comment le métabolisme et l'inclusivité doivent-ils être développés et reliés ?
The first impression once in a place like Beizama is the intimate relationship with a breath-taking nature. The second is its isolation in respect to the urban world. […] From the Basque Government we think that E16 is the perfect framework for innovative habitational models in rural environment able to dialogue with traditional urban structures and building, and that can set an example for other localities alike Beizama, that as yet and beyond their intrinsic values weight added value within the global COVID19 pandemic situation.