E17 Portraits - Le Plateau du Maelbeek
Brussels (BE) - Lauréat
Le Plateau du Maelbeek
Associés: Grou Serra (PT), Alistair Vaicle (FR) – architectes, Inès Masson (FR) – Architecte urbaniste, Sophie Jacquemin (BE) – architecte, chercheuse specialisation en sociologie
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"We envisioned this project from the point of view of a local ecosystem and all the ramifications it implies. This living and breathing ecosystem doesn’t differentiate between architecture, territory, nature, or infrastructure. With this approach, we also hope that we start to think not towards solutions – we believe it’s too late for that, but mitigating the problems we will inevitably be dealing with in the near future. The sooner we operate in this new paradigm, the better prepared we can be."