E17 portraits - Rooms of Conviviality
Makarska (HR) - Mention Spéciale
Rooms of Conviviality
Associés: Izabela Slodka (PL) – architecte, Olivia Leoni (IT), Tommaso Mazzega (IT), Andrea Paoletti (IT), Riccardo Roldi (IT), Nicola Russo (IT), Francesca Sordi (IT) – étudiants en architecture
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"Contemporary cities often have internal spaces excluded from urban and architectural planning. The city of Makarska presents urban voids which have become, in line with the theme of "Living Cities", an opportunity to take care of the city by reinterpreting them and returning them to the community. The guideline of the project, starting from respect for the urban fabric, is the concept of 360° sustainability, understood as social, environmental and economic."