E17 portraits - Topography for life

Larvik (NO) - Mention Spéciale

Topography for life

Associés: Gustavo Figueira Serrano (ES), Álvaro Itarte Perez (ES), Javier Pombar Guillan (ES), Diego Diaz Mosqueira (ES) – architectes
Collaborateurs: Alba Álvarez Vazquez (ES), Jimena Gonzalez Verdia (ES) – architectes

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Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

"Our project primarily addresses the challenge of integrating architecture harmoniously within various milieus, focusing on ecological and social sustainability. This aligns with the theme "Living Cities – Imagining architecture taking care of the milieus" by prioritizing designs that are not only environmentally friendly but also enhance social interactions and community well-being. We believe our project contributes to ecological and social evolution by implementing green spaces, sustainable materials, and designs that encourage community engagement, thus fostering a balance between built environments and natural ecosystems."