Comment concevoir une seconde vie ?
Excerpt from the Europan 17 catalogue of results, read the article from:
Carlos Arroyo Zapatero (ES) – Phd Architect in Carlos Arroyo Architects, urbanist, linguist, teacher in Madrid’s Universidad Europea,
There is high value in an architecture that is strategic, but it may come to nothing without the right tactics.
Around 5 strategic ideas of winning teams of the European competition Europan 17, there is the idea of a second life to our existing con-structions to minimise the carbon footprint of demolition and new construction - a second life for existing industrial buildings, for an hospital that needs to change its function, for an existing park that must become a cultural hub, for existing buildings where introduce new uses. And the question ends up being about how to implement that strategy: the tactics!
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Brussels (BE), Runner-up – 71.50 ASL