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Données synthétiques

Category urban - architectural

Team representative architect - urban planner - landscaper

Location Mannheim – Stadteingang Nordost

Population 330.000 inhabitants

Strategic site ± 180 ha - Project site to be defined by participants

Site proposed by City of Mannheim

Owners of the site Institute for Federal Real Estate: BImA, on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany, private ownership, City of Mannheim

Commission after competition Feasibility study, urban master plan

Information complémentaire

How can the site contribute to the adaptable city?

In June 2010 the US Military Command responsible for Europe announced that the military site would be closed in stages by 2015. The closure of Taylor Barracks and Benjamin Franklin Village now opens up the opportunity to initiate positive changes in Mannheim’s development at strategically important points and further expand its urban self-concept as a strong European city. The north-eastern approach to the city is to be reconfigured and the areas along the B 38 given a new character. Particular potential is to be seen in the development of an “Engineering Mile” along the B 38 between the city centre and autobahn access at Viernheimer Kreuz. It forms the backbone of the future Mannheim development corridor.

City strategy

The promising gateway situation on one of Mannheim’s main arterial roads is currently characterised by underdevelopment. The conversion sites provide an opportunity to reconceive the development corridor: the approach to the city can be redefined and crosslinks between the neighbourhoods improved. Uses, development and landscape structure should define a worthy entry situation in which the street and perimeter elements enter into a spatial symbiosis of high-quality design. In the interests of sustainable development, the spatial barrier effect of the B 38 is to be diminished and the interlinking of the individual neighbourhoods and uses improved.

Site definition

The study area is highly accessible (individual motorised and public transport) and characterised by heterogeneity and a low standard of design. Small-scale housing and commercial areas alternate with large structures over a length of approx. 3 km. The uses are automotive-related or turn their back on the noise-intensive roadway. There is no visible relationship between the buildings and the transit route. The conversion areas can be used to provide a strong impetus for step-by-step improvement of the essential qualities of the local area. The autobahn character of the B 38 and in part circuitous and fragmentary connections is, however, a barrier to spatial interconnection.

Adaptability: main elements to be taken into account

Innovative technologies are to be attracted to Mannheim with the aid of the “Engineering Mile”. The demands made on the location differ significantly from those of ‘classical’ commercial areas. The Taylor Barracks site, immediately adjoining the B 38, should also follow this programme, while the Benjamin Franklin Village site bordering on the north side with its 2,000 dwelling units (currently vacant) is to be redeveloped as a new urban district with an emphasis on residential uses. Innovative architectural and programmatic ideas are being sought for development of the areas adjacent to the B 38.

In terms of networking the goal is to create short routes and seek solutions that offer scope for new forms of mobility and promote non-motorised traffic. A high degree of bicycle convenience should support the trend towards eco-friendly mobility. Additional potential will result from the integration into a broad open space system of green corridors. Within the scope of the competition proposals should be prepared that provide answers to the formulated planning goals within the existing landscaped areas, open space and reserves. For this purpose the study area should be surveyed and analysed in a first stage to identify the options for possible planning and creative interventions, which may also be selective.

Questions à propos du site

If we could not go to the site visit there is any document containing the information given or what was said, and can we get it?

The minutes of the colloquium can be found on the European and the German Europan-website.

In the project talks about specific areas but there is any limit to propose further, for example in the commercial area near Taylor Barracks?

The basic idea was to keep the boundaries of the competition area rather undefined, in order to allow for the necessary flexibility of the proposed concepts. The main task is to find solutions for the zone along B 38. The defined boundaries may be exceeded, depending on to the chosen measures and the significant idea. This applies especially to the Taylor Barracks.

It’s possible to get plans (in cad maybe) more defined? For example the housing plans of Benjamin Franklin Village.

No there are no such plans. The housing in Benjamin Franklin Village is not part of the competition.

The areas that we have to define more will be chosen by the team or there are any that must be done?

There is no area that has to be done. You are free to choose which parts you want to design on.

We must define housing issues, public space, ... or depends on the criterion of the team?

The choice of the main focus depends on the team.

We do not understand terms such as water protection area Käfertaler Forest, Zone IIIB / IIIA.

Water protection areas are areas with special regulations for the protection of water (groundwater, above-ground water) against contamination. Zone III is allocated furthermost of the water intake point. The following zone is a chemical protection zone, this zone comprises the hole area, which provides water for the water intake point. The specifications A and B are for zones, that are more than 2 km away from the water intake point. The zone should protect against long lasting pollutions, such as chemical and radioactive contaminations.

Could you better define intervention in Vogelstang area?

The relevant task regarding this zone is to lower the barrier effect of the highway 38 by means of structural and other measures to enhance the connections between the future dwelling zone in the rearward part of Benjamin Franklin Village, the conceived new uses (commercial, industrial) along B 38 and the residential zone Vogelstang. The area alongside the B 38 is also available for creative revaluation. At the moment this zone bears green spaces of inferior quality with planting for noise protection and parking lots. Adapted to the new housing programmes on the area of Benjamin Franklin Village helpful structural and other measures are in demand, that determine the highway space and form a representative entrance to the city.

there are any number of residential development to get on the project?

The main focus is not on the planning of apartments, but on how the future neighbourhood Benjamin Franklin presents itself to the street as defined space. As described in the competition brief and in the minutes of the colloquium, the area close to the federal highway 38 is not suitable for housing. According to the guiding idea called "Ingenieursmeile" (engineers' mile) concepts are sought after what uses and types of buildings (commercial, industrial) are convenient for this heavily exposed area. On on hand the new structure must provide the noise protection for the dwelling zone behind it, on the other hand it should bear architectural and spatial qualities and show presence to the street, in order to decrease the existing predominance of the busy highway.

In the Brief, referring to Taylor Barracks area, it is recommended to keep the area tram-line free. Could you explain the reasons of this choice ? Should we consider that mandatory?

This must be a misunderstanding.

Citation competition brief: In this respect, the south-eastern section (in the area of Taylor Barracks) has clear deficits. In particular, the tram connection is rather unattractive at the present time. Extending the tram tracks out of Vogelstang basically seems to be technically possible. Actually doing this is only realistic, because of funding requirements, if a positive cost/benefit ratio can be achieved and if the route would be frequented enough.

From this the development goal was derived, that a tram route in the area of Taylor Barracks should be kept free. That means that a suitable zone should be reserved for the later construction of a tram line.

Could you give further material on the economic project-vision of engeneers mile ?

The guiding idea "engineers' mile" has been a communal option for a long term, it became effective since the conversion areas are available and in the course of the related planning and participation processes. All available materials are published in the site folder.

Is residential use allowed along B38? Do you recomend demolish buildings situated in front of B38?

The main focus is not on the planning of apartments, but on how the future neighbourhood Benjamin Franklin presents itself to the street as defined space. As described in the competition brief and in the minutes of the colloquium, the area close to the federal highway 38 is not suitable for housing. These requirements are conferrable on other the areas. Regarding the demolishion: In those zones, where new uses and programmes shall be established, the demolishion is possible.

Le site est lié au thème suivant

Territoires en réseau

Il s’agit de sites qui, en raison de leur lien avec une entité plus grande, développent leurs potentialités urbaines. Cette entité peut être physiquement concrète, comme une infrastructure de transport, ou peut être un réseau virtuel de relations entre plusieurs nœuds urbains. Bien que les communautés qui habitent ou utilisent ces sites puissent être petites et apparemment isolées, la connexion avec le réseau leur ouvre des possibilités d’amélioration de leur vie urbaine par un nouveau mélange de différents programmes et une urbanité plus complexe.
Comment peut-on préparer ces territoires à résister aux différents scénarios qui pourraient affecter les autres éléments du réseau ou le réseau lui-même ? Devraient-ils être organisés de façon à ce qu’ils puissent adopter différents rôles au sein du réseau ? Comment peuvent-ils s'adapter à la possibilité de changements importants du réseau, voire à sa disparition, par la définition de leurs propres caractéristiques urbaines et architecturales ?

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Ve. 30 mai 2025
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