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Données synthétiques

Category Urban - landscape - architectural


Location Auguste Victoria Colliery Shaft 3/7

Population c. 86,000 inhab.

Strategic site Auguste Victoria 3/7 and surroundings - Project site 90 ha: A 44.8 ha / B 15.0 ha / C 17.8 ha / D 11.8 ha

Site proposed by RAG Montan Immobilien GmbH

Owner(s) of the site RAG AG

Commision after competition When indicated, outline urban and landscape plan


Team representative professional of urban design - architect - landscape architect 

Information complémentaire

How can the site contribute to the adaptable city?

The Auguste Victoria Colliery Shaft 3/7 in Marl-Hamm lies on the northern fringe of the Ruhr District. With about 3000 employees and an annual production of almost three million tonnes of high-quality anthracite coal with an underground tunnel system of 99 km, it is currently still in operation, but scheduled for closure in 2015. The term “Adaptable City” is a key concept for urban development of the future and must be interpreted site-specifically at each location. Adaptation to fundamental changes in terms of climate protection, energy efficiency, demographic development, new research tasks, modified design specifications and meaningful flexibility in re- and new construction, etc. calls for completely new approaches.

City strategy

The Auguste Victoria site must be considered in the wider context of conflicting uses, i.e. the proximity of the Chemical Park situated to the west, the mine heaps and river port to the north as well as the smallscale residential development to the east. At the same time a development concept is to be prepared for the mine site itself that highlights the specific character of the site, strengthens existing potential and sets it in relation to the surrounding area. The objective is to prepare a multitude of ideas at an early stage – some of them by all means unconventional – to be put up for discussion when the planning process gets under way in the year of closure 2015.

Site definition

The broader surroundings of the Auguste Victoria Colliery are characterised by Marl Chemical Park, the coal port (originally for supplying BASF) on the Wesel-Dattel Canal, two large mine heaps, residential neighbourhoods and the autobahn. Typical of Münsterland, the nearby countryside consists of flat meadow and pasture landscape, interrupted by hedges and copses. The Auguste Victoria Colliery started operation in 1905 with Shaft 1. The area has a scatter of buildings from a number of decades that give the site its character. Solely the so called Kohlenmischhalle (coal merging hall) in the centre of the site is worth preserving – as scientific depot for heavy mining machines and for research purposes.

Future of the site in relation to the site family and to Adaptability

The colliery is the region’s second largest employer and recognised in particular as an important apprenticing company and economic power in the surrounding region. Marl Town Council and RAG have agreed on a new use for Auguste Victoria colliery 3/7 by business and industry., to compensate for the loss of jobs after the closure of the mine. The Chemical Park in the immediate proximity is one of the largest employers in the region. The future use of the mining area after the closure must in no case imply any restriction for the Chemical Park. Thus an industrial or commercial use must be prioritised. The well connected area (port, railway, autobahn) provides good conditions for a development as an industrial estate. The site offers an opportunity to develop ideas as to how industry and commerce might look in accordance with the parameters of sustainability, conservation of resources, energy efficiency and flexibility as well as fast adaptability to new uses. Today the above-named quality requirements are the universal features of modern planning in the residential, office and real estate sector as defined by consensus, but have hitherto not been applied to newer commercial and industrial areas. The location invites open thinking and represents a creative challenge. Under the chosen approach, the question will be how new commercial and industrial uses that cannot presently be determined in detail, may look in future. What are the creative, functional and programmatic demands on an industrial site in the 21st century?

Questions à propos du site

In 11.3 of the competition brief is mentioned that projects are drafted in German or alternatively in English. Is this correct or must the projects be drafted bilingual (see FAQ Rules)? In which language should the documents for communication be drafted?

Punkt 11.3 der Ausschreibung besagt, dass die Beiträge in deutscher Sprache, alternativ in Englisch abzufassen sind. Ist dies richtig oder müssen die Beiträge doch zweisprachig verfasst werden? (siehe FAQ Rules) In welcher Sprache ist das Exposé zu verfassen?

Update 11/05/15 - Rules, point 4.3. Submission of entries / Language:

"The panels and digital document shall be either written in English or bilingual (English + the site language)."

Die Beiträge (Paneele und digitale Unterlagen) sind in Englisch oder zweisprachig (Englisch und die Sprache des Landes, in der der Standort liegt) zu verfassen.

Can you confirm us the date of the site visit of Marl? Indeed there are two diffents dates : the 12 may on website, or the 13 may on website ?

The site visit in Marl will take place on Wednesday May 13th, 2015.

Is the plan to commission more work from the winner of the concept competition?

Wird beabsichtigt auf Basis des Ideenwettbewerbs den Gewinner mit weiteren Aufgaben zu beauftragen?

The plan is to have workshops to examine the results of the competition in more depth as necessary.

Es ist geplant, die Wettbewerbsergebnisse in Workshops weiter zu vertiefen.

Will the winner be put in charge of generating a master plan?

Soll der Preisträger mit der Erstellung eines Masterplans betraut werden?

Since the project and the planning are financed with public funds, the possibility exists to submit a bid once a call for tenders has been published for certain things.

Nach Vorlage der Ergebnisse wird das weitere Vorgehen unter Einbeziehung weiterer am Verfahren Beteiligter abgestimmt mit dem Ziel die Preisträger mit der Erstellung eines Masterplans zu beauftragen.

In which language should we write the digital document?

In welcher Sprache ist das Exposé zu verfassen?

The documents for communication must be written in English and can additionaly be written in German.

Das Exposé muss in Englisch und kann zusätzlich in Deutsch verfasst werden.

Wird die Preissumme bei einer Weiterbeauftragung dem Honorar zugerechnet?


Can you provide a map with supra-regional bicycle lanes?

You can find  MARL-DE-C-M5/6.pdf in the folder "0_New_docs_after_launch".

Gibt es einen Plan mit Darstellung der gesamten Stadt Marl (Schwarzplan, o.ä.)?

MARL-DE-C-M3.jpg is available in the folder "0-New_docs_after_launch".

Can you provide a map showing the local public transport?

Kann ein Plan mit Darstellung des ÖPNVs zur Verfügung gestellt werden?

You can find a map MARL-DE-C-M4.pdf in the folder "0_New_docs_after_launch".

When and how will the mine be closed?What is schedule for the shutdown? The call for tenders states that it would be desirable to plan an interim use before the mine closes.But the announcement of the winner will be approximately at the same time as the mine closes, at the end of 2015.

Wann und wie wird die Zeche geschlossen? Wie ist die zeitliche Stillegung. In der Auslobung wird eine Übergangsnutzung noch vor Schließung der Zeche erwünscht. Die Bekanntgabe der Preisträger entspricht jedoch annähernd dem Zeitpunkt der Schließung der Zeche Ende 2015.

Extraction will be shut down at the end of 2015.However, certain areas and buildings will be used on parts of the plot and underground until the end of 2016. There is no need for transitional / interim use.

Die Förderung wird Ende 2015 eingestellt. In Teilbereichen und untertägig werden bis Ende 2016 noch Flächen und Gebäude genutzt. Eine Übergangs- / Zwischennutzung ist nicht erwünscht.

Do areas have to be left open for drainage, pumps etc.?

Sind Flächen für Wasserhaltung, Pumpen, etc. freizuhalten?

Yes, the exact position of the drainage has to be clarified in the next three months.

Ja, die exakte Positionierung der Drainageflächen werden in den nächsten 3 Monaten geklärt.

Must the transformer station north of the coal mixture hall be maintained?

Ist das Umspannwerk nördlich der Kohlenmischhalle zu erhalten?



Is a contour map / terrain profile available?

You can find terrain profiles (MARL-DE-PS-M3/4.pdf) in the folder "0_New_docs_after_launch".

Is it possible to receive a foundation plan of the power station in Subarea 2?

No. The foundations will remain underground; the site will be filled to a height of 2 or 3 metres and compressed to make a load-bearing substrate.


On page 25, it is mentioned that: "most of the buildings are unsuitable in relation to current requirements, and will have to be demolished." Specifically, what is meant by "current requirements"?

Distribution of individual rooms, fire safety, noise abatement, energy usage, infrastructure, etc. The possible uses in the future are linked to market conditions.Meaning what will be in demand in four or five years.

Can you upload more photos of the whole site (north, centre, south) and its surroundings in the website? High quality photos will be very appreciated.

You will find more photos (MARL-DE-PS-P36 - P47) in the folder "0_New_docs_after_launch".

Are there binding guidelines within the framework of the preliminary review?

Gibt es im Rahmen der Vorprüfung bindende Vorgaben?

The evaluation criteria for the preliminary examination correspond to the criteria mentioned in 7.3 in the competition brief.

Die Bewertungskriterien der Vorprüfung entsprechen den unter 7.3 in der Auslobung formulierten Kriterien.

Do exist building plans of the coal washing plant?

Gibt es Baupläne der Kohlenwäsche?



What kind of construction has the coal washing plant (reinforced concrete, steel etc.)?

Aus welchem Material ist die Tragstruktur der Kohlenwäsche? (Stahlbeton, Stahlskelett etc.)?

Reinforced steel construction.


Could you tell us where the coal underground tunnel system is located in the area (north, center, south)? We really appreciate if you could provide the map in the site documentation folder.


Which winding tower will be used to raise the coal? What is the specific function of the three towers?

An welchem Förderturm wird die Kohle zu Tage gefördert? Welche spezifische Funktion haben die 3 Türme?

The concrete tower is the uptake shaft for the coal. The steel shaft (3) is used to transport material. Shaft 8, north of the Wesel Datteln canal is used for personnel.

Der Betonturm ist Ausziehschacht für die Kohle. Der Stahlschacht dient dem Materialtransport. Schacht 8 nördlich des Wesel-Datteln-Kanals dient der Pesonenbeförderung.

Why does every parcel in the chemical park need rail access? Is an analogous structure also needed for the mine lot?

Warum benötigt der Chemiepark zu jeder Parzelle einen Schienenanschluss? Ist analog eine gleiche Struktur auf dem Zechengelände gewünscht?

Chemicals are loaded directly into tanker cars. There are stringent safety measures governing the transfer. On the plot, one rail connection will probably be sufficient, in the harbour area, and possibly one on one of the sub-plots.

Chemikalien werden direkt in die entsprechenden Tanks gefüllt. Mit hohen Sicherheitsanforderung an die Befüllung. Auf der Fläche reicht eher ein Anschlussgleis im Bereich des Hafens und ggf. auf einer der Teilflächen.

Can the uses of the different buildings be specified?

Welches Bestandsgebäude auf dem Zechenareal besitzt welche Nutzung?

The different uses are shown in the map MARL-DE-PS-5.

Die verschiedenen Nutzungen sind im Plan MARL-DE-PS-5 dargestellt.

Was passiert mit der Halde bzw. Aufschüttung südlich der Kohlenmischhalle?

Meinen Sie die Halde nördlich der Kohlenmischhalle in Teilbereich 3?

Are there any plans and sections related to the main hall? If yes, could you send them to us ?

The RAG Montan is checking whether these information/plans are available. If yes, the documents will be provided in the folder „0-New_docs_after_launch“.



We’ll need some statistics about the workers of the Chemical Park and the Victoria’ mine : the socioprofessionnel categories ; the breakdown by age groups ; the part of workers with a foreign background (with the home countries if possible) ; the part of female employment ; the places of residences (by area) ; and the means of transport.

No precise statitistics are avalilable, please see page 8 in the minutes of the site visit/colloquium.

Is it possible to get some mapped data about SEVESO risks (perimeters…)

An expertise ist under preparation, unfortunatlely the result will be available not until the end of the year.

Do you have the age composition of the population of Marl - population pyramid - (compared to Essen or Münster for example)

Age composition of Marl is available in the foile MARL-DE-C-Add1.pdf.

Are there any participatory mechanisms for the development of public spaces or for other development projects in Marl? Which kind of participation (meetings of information? of discussion? with residents? workers of industry? co-conception?)

A professional company has been commissioned to draft a communications concept.

Is there a tourist information office? Is there any statistics about tourism (office visitations, museum visitations, number of bed nights compared to the offer…)?

There is a tourist information "i-Punkt der Stadt Marl" in the upper floor of the shopping mall Marler Stern. In 2014 the number of visitors of "Glaskasten" Sculpture Museum was approx. 7.000. Marl has 10 hotels with a capacity of 472 beds. The utilised capacity in February 2015 was 28,3 %, what means that 1.654 guests (131 foreigners) arrived in Marl, the average lenght of stay was 2,2 days.

What are the main sectors of agricultural production in the area (breeding, cereal,…)

The main sector of agricultural production is corn (maize) for biogas plants, apart from that there is a manifold mix.

Would it be possible to obtain a map of subterranean galleries of the mine?

No, a map of subterraneum galleries is not available.

Is it possible to receive the “MARL-DE-SS-M3” file also in .dwg extension and not only in .jpg extension? In general terms we would like to receive a .dwg file with much more informations and details, in specific regarding the railways lines, the open spaces and the sorroundings.

The RAG Montan is checking whether MARL-DE-SS-M3” file also in .dwg available. If yes, the file will be uploaded in the folder „0-New_docs_after_launch“.


Is it possible to receive more detailed informations regarding the existing buildings in terms of plans, sections, elevations, etc.?

A feasibility study in process. If additional material is available before the end of the competition phase, competitors will be informed by e-mail.

Is it possible to receive more detailed informations regarding the existing 99km rail network below ground in terms of plans, profiles, sections, elevations, etc.?


Are the existing 99km rail network below ground available for a riqualification and for other uses?


Is it possible to receive more detailed informations regarding distance rules and separation rules from the sorroundings, and in particular from the Chemical Park, the railways, the streets and the existing buildings?

An expertise ist under preparation, unfortunatlely the result will be available not until the end of the year.

Is it possible to receive more detailed informations regarding the position of the Coal Mixture Hall? Is it the biggest rectangular shape on the project site?

Yes, the coal mixture hall is it the biggest rectangular shape in the north part of subarea 1.

Can we demolish the existing buildings inside the project site or reuse them for other functions or should we mantain them (a part from the Coal Mixture Hall)?

Depending from the overall concept existing buildings could be demolished or partly maintained (depending from their status and market demand).

What kind of contamination is in the ground? Is it dangerous both for humans and vegetations? Does it affect the growth and the quality of trees and vegetables?

The ground will be prepared in such a way that - even if it is contaminated now - there will be no danger of contamination in the future.The subsoil is a non-homogeneous mix of rubble – natural soils – construction waste and dredge soil – that is densely compressed in some parts.So it will need to be treated in order to be re-planted.

Le site est lié au thème suivant

Comment créer une dynamique positive à partir d'une situation difficile ?

De nombreux sites doivent faire face à des situations urbaines difficiles, relevant de problèmes de différentes formes : économique, environnementale et urbaine, ou encore de valeurs. Confrontés à ces difficultés, ces sites constituent pourtant des terrains propices à de nouvelles dynamiques, s’appuyant sur des scénarios de partage ainsi que sur la régénération des outils de la discipline urbano-architecturale.

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Shaft 3 with coal train
Coal processing
Shaft 7 with coal train
Panoramic view over Auguste Victoria 3/7